
  • 网络hard choices;tough choices
  1. 国有出版社译林曾出版了希拉里·克林顿以前的书《亲历历史》(LivingHistory),该出版社社长顾爱彬说,《艰难抉择》不同。

    In Beijing , Gu Aibin , the head of Yilin Press , the state-owned publishing house that published Mrs. Clinton 's earlier book , " Living History , " said " Hard Choices " was different .

  2. 北京——据该书的美国出版商称,希拉里·罗德姆·克林顿(HillaryRodhamClinton)的回忆录《艰难抉择》在中国遭封杀,这本书极为详尽地描述了她与中国官员的棘手讨论,尤其是在有关人权的问题上。

    BEIJING - The new memoir of Hillary Rodham Clinton , " Hard Choices , " which gives blow-by-blow accounts of tough discussions with Chinese officials , particularly on human rights , has been blocked in China , according to the American publisher .

  3. 只有强者才能勇敢直面困难时刻,做出艰难抉择,你正是这样一位强者。

    It takes a strong person to deal with tough times and difficult choices , but you are a strong person .

  4. 你很快就将面对几个艰难抉择:是用周末提高数学能力来让GMAT考分增加3%,还是去参观你第四志愿的商学院?

    You will soon be faced with some tough choices : do you spend the weekend polishing up your maths skills to eke out another 3 per cent on the GMAT , or do you visit your fourth-choice school .

  5. 尽管各国就改革国际金融和政策架构展开了磋商特别是,它们还日益把20国集团(g20)当作讨论全球治理的论坛但它们仍未表明,自己拥有形成共识并做出艰难抉择的政治勇气。

    In spite of the talk of reform to the international financial and policy architecture , and particularly the continued shift towards the G20 as a forum of governance , countries have yet to show that they have the political courage to form a consensus and take tough decisions .

  6. 商业领域满是艰难抉择,这太糟糕了。

    Too bad : business is full of hard choices .

  7. 由积极转向中性:财政政策经历艰难抉择&关于近期财政政策取向问题的讨论

    From Proactive to Neutral : Fiscal Policy Underwent Difficult Choices

  8. 布鲁塞尔的唇枪舌战说明,欧盟各成员国也同样面临着艰难抉择。

    Acrimonious debate in Brussels reflects hard choices at the national level .

  9. 即便是柏林也意识到艰难抉择之时已经到来。

    Even Berlin may be realising that it is time for hard choices .

  10. 因此,中小股东面临艰难抉择。

    Minorities thus have a tough choice to make .

  11. 欢迎来到21世纪外交政策的艰难抉择中来。

    Welcome to the tough choices of foreign policy in the 21st century .

  12. 民盟面临生存危机,不得不进行艰难抉择。

    In order to survive , the LDK had to make tough decisions .

  13. 要完成这些任务,政策制定者需有足够的勇气,做出一些艰难抉择。

    These require policymakers to be brave enough to make some tough choices .

  14. 但近几十年来,联邦政府逐渐拒绝做出艰难抉择。

    Yet for decades , Washington has refused to make the tough choices .

  15. 只有强者才能勇敢直面困难时刻,做出艰难抉择。

    It takes a strong person to deal with tough times and difficult choices .

  16. 他正面临着是和家人呆在一起还是到国外工作的艰难抉择。

    He was facing a difficult choice between staying with his family or working abroad .

  17. 他还没有做好准备去面对他必须作的的艰难抉择。

    And he didn 't feel ready for the hard choices he had to make .

  18. 这就意味着,我们将在谁先获得疫苗方面做出艰难抉择。

    This means that there are going to be some difficult decisions about who gets it first .

  19. 他充分了解眼前的艰难抉择,对如何做出这些选择也有始终如一的立场。

    He understands the hard choices ahead and has a coherent view of how to make them .

  20. 最近的攻击表明,苹果也无法避免作出有关中国的艰难抉择。

    This week 's attacks show that Apple cannot avoid making its own hard choices about China .

  21. 从立陶宛事件中美国的艰难抉择看国际政治转折时期的美苏关系

    USA-USSR Relations in International Political Turning Point As Seen From the Difficult Choice by USA In The Lithuanian Incident

  22. 然而,石赵的败亡,又让姚氏必须做出何去何从的艰难抉择。

    However , Yao tribe must make a difficult choice that where to go when Shi Zhao was breakdown .

  23. 市议会要做出艰难抉择,决定到底要削减教育预算还是旅游预算。

    The city council has to make the tough call and decide whether to cut education or tourism budgets .

  24. 但如果美国人希望他们的未来比过去更美好,决策者需要做出艰难抉择。

    But if Americans want their future to be better than their past , policymakers need to make hard choices .

  25. 我们必须作出降低我们的医保费用和赤字规模的艰难抉择。

    We must make the hard choices to reduce the cost of health care and the size of our deficit .

  26. 第1章:自由与革命:矛盾中的艰难抉择。

    The Main contents are as followings : Chapter 1 : Freedom and revolution : The difficult choices in contradiction .

  27. 他将信念作为自己的领导特点,还讲述了自己曾经做出一个艰难抉择的故事。

    He names conviction as his own leadership quality and tells a story about a tough decision he once made .

  28. 这是我们做出艰难抉择的结果,也是你们辛勤工作和坚韧应对的结果。

    It was the result of tough choices we made , and the result of your hard work and resilience .

  29. 欧洲领导人们面临一个难以两全的艰难抉择:是脱离欧元区,还是建立一个联系更加紧密的财政联盟。

    European leaders will face an ever starker choice between a break-up of the euro zone and a closer fiscal union .

  30. 对于恋人们而言,异地工作或学习可能会迫使他们做出艰难抉择,最先面对的就是分不分手的问题。

    Lovers considering different locales for work or study must make some tough choices beginning with whether or not to break up .