
jiān nán shí shì
  • hard times
艰难时世[jiān nán shí shì]
  1. 在工业革命早期,人均收入增长缓慢,工人阶级的苦难与富有制造商的奢华生活形成鲜明对比,这招致了猛烈抨击,查尔斯狄更斯(charlesdickens)在《艰难时世》(hardtimes)中就对此大加鞭挞。

    In the early years of the industrial revolution , average per capita incomes were slow to rise and the contrast between the plight of the working population and the lifestyle of rich manufacturers prompted savage diatribes such as that of Charles Dickens in hard times .

  2. 《艰难时世》是狄更斯写的一部英国小说。

    Hard Times is an English novel , written by Charles Dickens .

  3. ,.《艰难时世》是狄更斯写的一部英国小说。

    Hard Times is an English novel written by Charles Dickens

  4. 哪怕是艰难时世,也有活力与创新绽放。

    Vibrancy and innovation can bloom even in hard times .

  5. 时尚圣经遭逢艰难时世。

    These are tough times for fashion Bibles .

  6. 《艰难时世》是一部现实主义小说吗?

    Is Hard Times a realistic novel ?

  7. 其中最著名的作品是创作于1854年的《艰难时世》。

    The most famous work of them is Hard Times , which was written in 1854 .

  8. 他们经历过艰难时世。

    They have seen hard times .

  9. 然而,政治家应当崇敬文学,它是无涯学海中常被忽视的侧面,是艰难时世下的一枚定海神针。

    But statesmen should respect literature as a neglected field of knowledge and a ballast for hard times .

  10. 企业的高管们也许像令人厌的葛擂梗(Gradgrinds,译者注:狄更斯小说《艰难时世》中的人物),是万恶之源的银行家和瞒天过海的政治家。

    Company executives may be boring Gradgrinds , bankers the spawn of the devil and politicians crooks and liars .

  11. 同时,一个人也好,和别人在一起也好,我也要也去准备艰难时世的到来。

    Meanwhile , I should also prepare for the bad times , either alone or with someone beside me .

  12. 牛仔装的卷土重来可能与目前的经济状况有关:艰难时世流行粗犷衣装。

    Part of the renewed interest in denim may have to do with the economy : hard-times chic in hard times .

  13. 总统还说,艰难时世让我们在危机中发现更大的机遇。

    The president also says these tough times offer a chance to discover a greater opportunity in the midst of a crisis .

  14. 它旨在用具体事例分析狄更斯是如何在《艰难时世》运用讽刺,悬念和象征手法。

    It is meant to analyze how Dickens employs satire , suspense , expectation and symbol with concrete examples coming form Hard Times .

  15. 对狄更斯小说的分析和解读则主要集中在《雾都孤儿》、《大卫。科波菲尔》、《荒凉山庄》、《艰难时世》等小说上。

    The studies on Dickens 's works mainly focus on Oliver Twist , David Copperfield , Bleak House , Hard Times , and so on .

  16. 以《大公报》为代表的报业公司在艰难时世中坎坷前进,不断完善规章制度。

    The newspaper companies which could be represented by Da Gong Bao have made their rough ways ahead and bettered their regulations in these hard times .

  17. 他不期望我们会有幸福的未来,并且说,在这种艰难时世这样一个婚姻将会面临许多严峻考验。

    He was not expecting a happy future for us and said that such a marriage , in such difficult times , would face manor serious tests .

  18. 本文目的是从问题小说的艺术形式方面对《艰难时世》加以分析。它是从一种新的角度对这部小说进行分析和研究。

    This thesis aims to analyze Hard Times in the artistic forms of the problem novel . It researches Hard Times from a new point of view .

  19. 理论上,基于对问题小说的艺术特点的研究,试图找到问题小说《艰难时世》中在艺术方面所体现出来的特点。

    Theoretically , it tries to find the reflections of characteristics of Hard Times in the artistic forms based on the study of features of a problem novel .

  20. 投资者实际上并不认为此类收益有多大价值,监管方也将其排除在某些资本衡量标准之外;即便如此,在眼下这样的艰难时世,一分钱也是钱啊。

    Investors rightly don 't ascribe much value to the gains , and regulators keep them out of certain capital measures , but in mean times like this every penny counts .

  21. 年纪稍大一些时,狄更斯开始为报社工作,之后写了最为著名的几部英语小说,包括《艰难时世》。《艰难时世》也是“书虫”系列读物之一。

    When he was older , Dickens started working for a newspaper and then wrote some of the most famous novels in English , including Hard Times which is also available as a Bookworm .

  22. 依我看,我们生在一个十分艰难的时世。

    I think that we are born into a time of great difficulty .