
xǐ jù xìnɡ
  • comedy;comic
  1. 他最后看出这一场面的喜剧性,于是笑了。

    At last he saw the comedy of the situation and laughed .

  2. 我喜欢莎士比亚的喜剧性,即使在他非常严肃的剧本中亦然。(喜剧性)

    I like Shakespeare 's comedy , even in his most serious play .

  3. 此剧的结尾是喜剧性的。

    The ending of the play is comic .

  4. 那一次颇有喜剧性的错误,成就了我在IBM公司长达22年的精彩职业生涯。

    That comedy of errors ended up being a wonderful 22-year career at IBM .

  5. 中国当代美学话语中,喜剧性、滑稽、幽默与西方美学中的comic、humour并非是对等的。

    In modern chinese aesthetic course , " comedy nature ", " the comic " and " humour " are not equal to " the comic " and " humour " in western aesthetics .

  6. 在曼德勒,就有40多个巡回演出团体,把无关政治的喜剧性闹剧和名叫“阿迎戏”(a-nyeintpwe)的传统舞蹈结合起来。

    More than 40 touring troupes from Mandalay each employed a mix of apolitical slapstick comedy and traditional dance together known as a-nyeint pwe .

  7. 具体讲从审美品格上看,是喜剧性与悲剧性的统一;

    From aesthetic character , it is comedy and tragic unity .

  8. 民俗生活场域中东北作家群创作的喜剧性

    Comedy of Northeastern Writers Group 's Creation in Field of Folk Life

  9. 论阿Q悲剧的喜剧性

    Comedy Comment on Comic Chracteristics of Ah Q 's Tragedy

  10. 每一种艺术形式都有其表现喜剧性内容的特殊手段。

    Every form of arts has its special means of comic expression .

  11. 而实践的解构功能则生成出丑及其否定性的喜剧性;

    The disconstruction function of practice can produce ugliness and the negative comic .

  12. 论海顿音乐中的喜剧性&以海顿弦乐四重奏为例证

    On Comedy in Haydn 's Music-with Haydn 's String Quartets as Case Examples

  13. 结构与喜剧性&以中国十大古典喜剧为例

    Structure and Comedy Exemplified by Ten Classical Chinese Comedies

  14. 《堂吉诃德》是欧洲文学史上卓越的喜剧性文学作品。

    Don Quixote is an outstanding comedy in the history of European literature .

  15. 舞台上他的喜剧性出场需要把握准确的时间。

    His comic entrance on stage requires precision timing .

  16. 论喜剧性笑的发生系统

    On the Causative System That Generates Comic Laughter

  17. 论《阿Q正传》的喜剧性

    On Comedy Nature of A Q main story

  18. 王小波的小说本文有着独特的、鲜明的喜剧性;

    Wang xiao-bo 's novels have a kind of special and brilliance comedic style .

  19. 喜剧性研究路径问题论析

    An Analysis of the Ways of Comedy Studies

  20. 论康拉德小说的喜剧性

    On the Comicality in Joseph Conrad 's Novels

  21. 喜剧性:儿童天性的张扬

    Comedic Nature : Expansion of Children 's Instincts

  22. 这很有喜剧性,但是这有着一个中心,一个内核。

    It 's all comedy , but then there is a heart , a kernel .

  23. 不自由的情态与反自由的形象&新实践美学范畴体系中的喜剧性

    The situation of unfreedom and the anti-freedom image & The comic in the new-practice aesthetics

  24. 把握喜剧性矛盾的特殊性是喜剧研究的关键所在。

    The key ubiety of comedy research is to grasp the particularity of comedic contradiction .

  25. 他在描写富于喜剧性的莉娜·格罗夫的一生时,又超出了这一界限。

    He rises above this level in the rich comedy of Lena Grove 's pilgrimage .

  26. 其实,粗俗的行为不仅仅以喜剧性调剂的形式出现。

    The assault on manners doesn 't just come in the form of comic relief .

  27. 在这部剧中约翰·杰克斯让这个人物变得更加深沉、坚强、以及很好的喜剧性。

    In this one John Jelks gives him depth , toughness and wonderful comic timing .

  28. 从元杂剧现存的剧本看,渗透着丰富的喜剧性因素。

    Rich comic factors are reflected in the extant scripts of zaju of the Yuan dynasty .

  29. 电视电影的喜剧性

    On the Comic Tele Film Comedy

  30. 社会性和主体性因素的任何变异,都会影响到喜剧性的审美效应;

    Any variation of sociality and main body 's factors may affect aesthetic effect of comedy ;