
xǐ yīn zhí wù
  • ombrophyte
喜阴植物[xǐ yīn zhí wù]
  1. 罪魁祸首就是:白蛇根草(学名为Eupatoriumrugosum)——一种喜阴类植物,生长于美国东部和南部的森林中。

    The culprit : white snakeroot ( Eupatorium rugosum ) , a shade-loving weed native to the forests of the eastern and southern United States .

  2. 光度过强,对喜阴开花植物生长不利,需用遮阳网来调节光照强度,达到最适状态。

    Through-the-Yam has negative growth of flowering plants , shade nets are needed to adjust light intensity , reaching the optimum state .