
huàn chù
  • affected part;infected part;wounded part;affected part of a patient's body
患处 [huàn chù]
  • [affected part of a patient's body] 病变或受外伤的地方

患处[huàn chù]
  1. 方法治疗组于患处外涂复方丙酸氯倍他索软膏,每天2次,行UVB全身照射,1周2~3次,并配合适当的护理措施。

    Methods In the treatment group , the affected part was spread with compound clobetasol propionate ointment twice a day , and given a full-body UVB irradiation 2 ~ 3 times per week with some proper nursing .

  2. 方法昆明山海棠30~50g/d分3次煎服共4周,并用该药液浸泡患处,治疗无菌性脓疱性皮肤病患者35例,同时用放免疫法检测8例患者血浆TXB2和6ketoPGF1a水平。

    Methods 35 cases were treated with Tripterygium Hypoglaucum decoction 30-50g / daily , 3 times a day for 4 weeks , soaking affected part with the decoction , detecting the levels of serum TXB 2 and 6 keto PGF 1a in 8 cases of patients .

  3. 把药膏轻轻涂抹在患处。

    Gently apply the cream to the affected areas .

  4. 她的手C得想当严重,连蛋白都热亁成一层白的薄膜包住患处。

    Her hand was so badly burned that the egg white dried and formed a white film .

  5. 把这膏药每日一次fu贴患处。

    Put a plaster on the sore once a day .

  6. 遇到C伤,不管有多严重,第一要务就是将患处浸在流动的冷水中,直到热感消失为止。

    When sustaining a burn , regardless the degree , the first aid is always placing the injured part under running cold water till the heat subsides .

  7. 阳性对照组给予克林霉素磷酸酯凝胶0.5g均匀涂于患处。

    Positive control group were given clindamycin phosphate gel 0.5g evenly applied to the affected area .

  8. 目的:研究尖锐湿疣(CA)患者经治疗后原患处外观正常的皮肤和周围的毛发毛囊是否还携带人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)及其与复发的关系。

    Objective : To investigate of DNAs of HPV presenting in the skin and mucous membrans with normal appearance and in the ambient hair follicles after treatment of condyloma acuminatum ( CA ) and discuss the relation with the CA recurrence .

  9. 将板栗捣烂敷患处可治筋骨肿痛;

    Chestnut Daolan Kurashiki the affected area will be governance skeletal pain ;

  10. 医生把獾油接过来均匀地涂抹在患处。

    The physician took the badger oil and spread on affected area .

  11. 把软膏涂在患处,每日。

    Put the ointment on the sore once a day .

  12. 涂抹患处20分钟后用水冲掉。

    Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse it off .

  13. 接著把生蛋白涂在患处。

    And next spread the egg white over the injury .

  14. 患处是在大脑外部的保护膜收集血液的地方。

    an injury where blood collects under the brain 's outer protective membrane .

  15. 每日2次外用派瑞松霜涂于患处,疗程为3周。

    The course of treatment was three weeks .

  16. 每天早晨和夜晚涂沫于腿部患处。

    Smooth on clean legs morning and night .

  17. 做好局部患处的护理;

    Local affected part was properly nursed .

  18. 你先洗手,然后再把药水涂于患处。

    First you wash your hands , then apply the lotion on the wounded place .

  19. 这些细胞到达你患处大约需要一天的时间。

    It takes about a day until these cells make it to your aching muscles .

  20. 用法用量为:局部外用,涂于患处,每日早晚各1次。

    Dosage is : topical , applied to the lesion , 1 day sooner or later .

  21. 擦擦患处,直至油液为皮肤吸收。

    Apply the oil to the affected parts till the oil is absorbed by the skin .

  22. 压缩小腿患处也有帮助,可以使用弹性绷带,或压缩护腿。

    It may also help to compress the area with an elastic bandage or compression sleeve .

  23. ④热垫患处可缓解坐骨神经痛、关节炎和肌肉疲劳酸痛。

    Fomenting the afflicted part can relieve the sciatica , arthritis and fatigue and aches of muscles .

  24. 方法派瑞松软膏局部外用,涂于患处,2次/d,持续4周。

    Methods The local drug use on the lesion was underwent 2 time / d for 4 weeks .

  25. 方法:取小鼠、大鼠使其创伤,用不同剂量的熊胆珍珠痔疮膏涂擦患处,用肉眼及显微镜观察伤口愈合程度。

    Method : The mice and rats with wounds were smeared the ointments with different doses at its wound .

  26. 对照组于患处外涂复方丙酸氯倍他索软膏,每天2次。

    In the control group , the affected part was spread with compound clobetasol propionate ointment twice a day .

  27. 方法对扁平疣患者,用无色碘酊涂抹于患处,治疗2-3周。

    METHODS Daubing the affected part of the flat verruca with achromatous iodine tincture for 2 or 3 weeks .

  28. 挤一点牙膏在患处就可以起到临时冷却的作用,见效显著。

    Simply apply a little bit of toothpaste to the area to deliver a temporary and immediate cooling effect .

  29. 术后3~12个月随访患处功能良好,植皮外观满意。

    After 3 to 12 months follow-up affected area with good function , satisfaction with the appearance of skin graft .

  30. 方法在化脓性胆囊炎患者术中,用注射器于患处部无菌抽取标本,而后做需氧和厌氧培养。

    Methods Specimens were withdrawed aseptically with syringe from affected parts of pyogenic cholecystitis then were cultured aerobically and anaerobically .