
huàn zhě
  • patient;sufferer;sick patients
患者 [huàn zhě]
  • (1) [patient]∶指等候接受内外科医师的治疗与照料的病人

  • 结核病患者

  • (2) [sufferer]∶忍受或经受痛苦的人

  • 一种能解除枯草热患者痛苦的新药

患者[huàn zhě]
  1. 那名患者的血液化学成分受到了定时的监测。

    The patient 's blood chemistry was monitored regularly .

  2. 患者转送到了另一家医院。

    The patient was transferred to another hospital .

  3. 绝大多数白血病患者都会接受某种药物治疗。

    Most leukaemia patients undergo some sort of drug therapy .

  4. 传染病患者同其他病人隔离开来。

    Those suffering from infectious diseases were separated from the other patients .

  5. 他们向艾滋病病毒携带者和艾滋病患者提供咨询。

    They give advice for people with HIV and AIDS .

  6. 据称一些患者有这种反应。

    This reaction has been reported anecdotally by a number of patients .

  7. 这一新的发现有助于遗忘症患者保持记忆。

    This new discovery helps amnesiacs keep their memory .

  8. 已采集患者的血样供测定血型用。

    Blood samples were taken from patients for typing .

  9. 患者的病历丢失了。

    Patients ' medical notes have gone missing .

  10. 这种病的患者应予以隔离。

    Patients with the disease should be isolated .

  11. 患者的大脑受到严重损伤。

    The patient suffered severe brain trauma .

  12. 哪些患者已经康复了?

    Which of the patients have recovered ?

  13. 患者病情稳定。

    The patient 's condition is stable .

  14. 大夫们使患者的病情稳定下来。

    Doctors stabilized the patient 's condition .

  15. 患者经常排斥移植的器官。

    Patients often reject transplanted organs .

  16. 患者的病情稳定下来。

    The patient 's condition stabilized .

  17. 这种病症使患者难于看见视觉边缘的物体。

    The condition makes it difficult for patients to see objects at the periphery of their vision .

  18. 她是癫痫病患者吗?

    Is she an epileptic ?

  19. 她是厌食症患者。

    She 's anorexic .

  20. 这些毒气会严重损害患者的呼吸系统。

    These gases would seriously damage the patient 's respiratory system .

  21. 因为护理人员严重不足,患者生命垂危。

    Patients were dying because of an acute shortage of nurses .

  22. 老年医疗保险也适用于肾病晚期患者。

    ' Medicare ' is available to victims of advanced kidney disease

  23. 该地区神经紊乱患者的人数在上升。

    The number of nervous disorders was rising in the region

  24. 我不是个强迫症患者,完全不是。

    I am not an obsessive . Not at all .

  25. 大多数来找我看病的患者都是外省人。

    The majority of my patients come to me from out of town

  26. 我们患者不能对医生挑挑拣拣。

    We , the patients , cannot pick and choose our doctors .

  27. 患者按十分制给这些治疗方法打分。

    The patient rates the therapies on a scale of zero to ten

  28. 血友病患者们因为被输入了受到污染的血液而正在寻求赔偿。

    Haemophiliacs are seeking compensation for being given contaminated blood .

  29. 一些镇静剂适得其反,加重了患者的焦虑。

    Some sedatives produce the paradoxical effect of making the person more anxious

  30. 未经患者同意而对其进行检查被视为违反职业操守并触犯法律。

    Testing patients without their consent would constitute a professional and legal offence