
shì yàn pǐn
  • Test article;guinea pig;experimental article
  1. 我正在找个试验品呢。

    I was looking for a guinea pig .

  2. 国际货币基金组织“既爱又严”的新政策---阿根廷是该政策的试验品---带来了其他后果。

    The fund 's new " tough love " policy -- for which Argentina is the guinea pig -- has other consequences .

  3. 我们第一个试验品是《水果忍者》(FruitNinja),这是一款切割水果的休闲游戏。

    Our first dive was fruit ninja , the casual game where users slice-and-dice fruit .

  4. 他天生就是个失败的试验品。

    He is merely one of nature 's experiments gone awry .

  5. 猫也许被当作喷气的试验品。

    Or maybe the cat was gassed as a test .

  6. 试想一下,如果用户知道这件产品只是个试验品,会怎么样?

    Imagine if your users knew that this was just an experiment !

  7. 但是他制作的钟表都是个人的试验品,而非受委托制作的商品。

    But his pieces were private experiments , not commissions .

  8. 哦,不会吧!-布鲁斯的妈妈成了试验品了。

    Oh , no ! - Bruiser 's mom 's a test subject .

  9. 也是艾林最喜欢的新试验品。

    And Eiling 's favorite , new lab rat .

  10. 如果的确是幽灵的某种试验品。

    If it was indeed a Wraith experiment .

  11. 我是我自己的试验品,我是我自己的艺术品。

    I am my own experiment , I am my own work of art .

  12. 所有这一切造就他成为一个完美试验品。

    Making him an ideal candidate , with no one to ask any nosy questions .

  13. 像试验品一样被测试和评分。

    Tested andgraded like subjects in a lab.

  14. 试验品身心受尽折磨,精神控制侵害在今天就像是最惊人的的惊悚电影。

    Physical and psychological torture of mind control victims today is like the worst horror movies .

  15. 把我们卖给出价高的客人,作试验品,谁知道?

    Sell us to the highest bidder , do experiments , I mean , who knows ?

  16. 但是患者对于即将成为试验品还没来得及认真考虑。

    But patients aren 't supposed to make snap judgments about being guinea pigs in a trial .

  17. 好的你们看到了这还是个试验品但是成功了

    Ok , yes , you can see . It 's a prototype , but it worked .

  18. 重要的是,我们不必变成半机器人或生物工程的试验品。

    And , importantly , it doesn 't require us to transform into cyborgs or bio-engineered lab rats .

  19. 由于一直被看做是失败的试验品,地精们通常被认为是次等、弱化的生物。

    Failed experiments or an aberration , Goblins have always been considered as lesser , degenerate creatures destined for obscurity .

  20. 国际货币基金组织“既爱又严”的新政策阿根廷是该政策的试验品带来了其他后果。

    The fund 's new " tough love " policy for which Argentina is the guinea pig has other consequences .

  21. 他最近参加了一场比赛,要求年轻人想出可以运行在轨道上的试验品。

    He entered a contest recently that asked young people to come up with experiments that could be run in orbit .

  22. 阻止这些试验品发育成具有完全功能的大脑的因素是它们没有血液供给。

    The one thing keeping the brains from growing beyond this stage and becoming fully functional is that they have no blood supply .

  23. 利用扫描电镜考察摇臂试验品的断口形貌,对个别区域进行能谱分析。

    Scanning electronic microscope is used to check the fracture form of swing arm trier and energy spectral analysis is done in special area .

  24. 当新技术应用于英国住宅的一个单独的普通设计项目,创新只能使其成为试验品或示范性工程。

    Innovation in UK house building is condemned to be a prototype or demonstration project while new technology is adopted for a single modest scheme .

  25. 刚开始的一些试验品,如今已经是澳大利亚和国际市场重点寻找对象。

    Often beginning as one off trials , these wines are now some of the most sought after in both Australia and the international arena .

  26. 但即使已经有了这些预兆,多力多滋味的激浪作为试验品出现在美国大学校园里时,整个世界还是震惊了。

    But even with these signals , the world still wasn 't ready when the company began testing Doritos-flavored Mountain Dew on US college campuses .

  27. 伯茨并不气馁&他的朋友们都喜欢这种游戏。他以他们为试验品,继续发展改进游戏的概念和规则。

    Butts was not discouraged-his friends enjoyed the game , and using them as guinea pigs he continued to develop and refine the concept and rules .

  28. 厥后我才懂患上,给我打针的阿谁大夫方才来病院才一个礼拜,底子就是把我当成为了试验品!

    Later I learned that give me injections that the doctor had just come to the hospital only a week , there is to me as the guinea pigs !

  29. 最近,研究人员推出第一批随机试验品,他们称这为无副作用,非处方,仅仅影响食欲的控制剂。

    Now , researchers have presented the first randomized trial of what they hail as a side - effect - free , prescription-free and simply free appetite control agent .

  30. “你尽管试吧,只是别拿我的外甥女儿作试验品呀,”老人说,他的反对是饶有风趣的。

    " Try as much as you please , but don 't try on my niece ," smiled the old man , whose opposition to the idea was broadly humorous .