
  • 网络trial and error;trial error
  1. 但我只是用试错法(trialanderror)才达到了“垃圾邮件”和“合法”三元模型所选定的数目。

    But I arrived at the chosen numbers of " spam " and " good " trigrams only by trial and error .

  2. 文中具体研究了区域的纵向弥散度的识别问题,采用试错法(trialanderrormethod),得到了理想的结果。

    In this paper , the longitudinal dispersivity in the area is identified by FCM . Using the trial and error method in the course , the satisfied results are getted .

  3. 但是在产品的实际设计中仍存在以下两个问题:第一:采用试错法对LED进行二次配光。

    However , there are still two problems during the practical design . First of all , secondary optical design was conducted by traditional method .

  4. 里奇经过了很多年很多年的试错才终于通过X射线晶体学的手段,证实了克里克和沃森研究发现的双螺旋结构是正确的。

    It took many years of trial and error before Rich proved , through X-ray crystallography , that the Crick and Watson double helix structure was correct .

  5. 而在机器人与地面的不断交互中,Q学习可以充分利用双足机器人自身的动力学特性,在试错中自主学习行走。

    The Q-learning can take full advantage of the dynamics of the biped robot , with the continuous interaction between the biped and the floor .

  6. 这幅景象有点让人难堪&但试错法(trialanderror)可能正开始获得作为一种商业技巧的公正地位,而不再是资本主义肮脏的小秘密。

    This is an awkward insight – but trial and error could be starting to take its rightful place as a business technique , rather than the dirty little secret of capitalism .

  7. 采用试错法,以及通过建立网络训练学习过程与网络特征参数之间的反馈机制,对BP神经网络隐含层单元数和特征参数进行优化选择。

    The hidden layers and characteristic parameters of back propagation ( BP ) neural networks are optimized by means of try and error method and the feedback mechanism between training and determination of characteristic parameters .

  8. 传统的博克思-詹金斯(Box-Jenkins)时间序列分析与预测方法对模型参数的确定使用试错法。

    The traditional Box-Jenkins Time-series Analysis and Forecast method confirms the parameters by trying errors .

  9. 试错法;二汽室内试车场40m跨度单层穹顶网壳屋盖稳定性研究

    The method of trial and error ; Stability Study on a 40m Diameter Lattice Dome Roof Structure for 2 Car Test Room

  10. 应用BIC确定独立成分个数,与后验的试错法相比,是先验的无需监督的方法。

    The adoption of BIC improves the determination of independent components from the posterior trial and error method to the priori unsupervised one .

  11. 德国建筑师沃尔特•瓦格纳(WalterWagner)说,这种不断试错的做法在房主中很常见。瓦格纳的事务所Habitat5在印尼、泰国和菲律宾曾建造过多栋开放式房屋。

    This trial-and-error approach is common with homeowners , says German architect Walter Wagner , whose company , Habitat5 , has built open-air houses in Indonesia , Thailand and the Philippines .

  12. 他们的论文本周发表在《美国国家科学院院刊》(ProceedingsoftheNationalAcademyofSciences,简称PNAS)上,研究者称这种成分组成可能是通过不断试错的方法获得的。

    The scholars " paper , which was published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America ( PNAS ) , says the mix of ingredients was probably achieved through trial and error .

  13. 在介绍了经验单位线的定义、推求方法的基础上,提出利用Excel表格完成试错计算的方法、过程、技巧等,为推求经验单位线提供技术支持。

    On introducing the definition and the derive method of the unit hydrograph , the paper proposes a method to conduct trial-and-error calculation based on Excel table , and expounds the process and skills in calculating , providing technical support for deriving experience unit hydrograph .

  14. 传统的LQG控制器设计是通过人为设置权重矩阵,不断试错来获得的,本文提出的方法则是首个在给定输入输出方差的情况下设计LQG控制器的方法。

    The traditional LQG controller design is to artificially set weight matrix , trial and error . The method proposed in this paper is the first design for LQG controller when input and output variances are given .

  15. R&D联盟伙伴选择的试错机理研究

    Research of Trial-and-Error Mechanism on Partner-Selection of R & D Alliance

  16. 在此基础上,提出了一种直接试错的接触算法,将非线性的接触边界条件线性化处理,接触处理与有限元计算相对独立。

    A direct trial - and-error contact algorithm is proposed .

  17. 不断试错走向成功就是不断尝试和犯错的过程。

    Trial & Error Becoming successful is all about trial and error .

  18. 思想实验中的试错:法理学研究方法中的猜想与反驳

    Trial-and-Error Method in Thinking Experiment : Hypotheses and Refutation in Jurisprudential Studies

  19. 重建系统演化树的一种新方法&试错法

    A new method for reconstruction of phylogenetic tree : trial error method

  20. 您可以通过试错手工消除这些差异。

    You can tweak these differences by hand through trial and error .

  21. 卡尔·波普尔;卡尔·马克思;历史主义;试错法;

    Karl Popper ; Karl Marx ; Historicism ; trial and error ;

  22. 论企业科技创新中试错的税收宽容

    The Tolerant Tax Policy for the Failure of Technological Innovation in Enterprises

  23. 创业企业社会网络构建的试错机理分析

    Analysis of the Mechanism of Trial-and-Error on Constructing Start-up Enterprises ' Social Network

  24. 激励学习把学习看成是一个反复试错的过程,从而把环境状态映射到相应的动作。

    On Learning States in environment are mapped to actions in Reinforcement Learning .

  25. 除了通过共享的经验,通过反复的试验试错,

    Apart from shared experiences , trial and error ,

  26. 二是中药治疗方法中包含一种做法,就是动态调整和试错。

    Then TCM therapy contains a step of dynamic adjustment and mistake test .

  27. 用数值计算技术和试错法确定金属材料表面对激光的吸收率

    Determination of laser absorptivity of metal by numerical calculation technique and trial-and-error method

  28. 模型的参数计算由系统利用自动优化方法一次性自动优选出最优值,避免了人工试错的主观误差并节约了大量时间。

    All the parameters was worked out and optimized by system using auto-optimize method .

  29. 试错是一个方法来确定一个适当的移动平均线的长度。

    Trial and error is one method to determine an appropriate moving average length .

  30. 更具体的分析与论证,尚有待司法实践过程中的试错及相关经验的累积。

    And the further analysis and proof may need the accumulation of practical experiences .