
  • 网络transnational investment;foreign investment;fdi
  1. 欢迎参加“中国跨国投资论坛”月度会议!

    Welcome to " China FDI Forum " monthly event !

  2. 随着我国加入WTO,我国企业的跨国投资已经进入了一个新的时期。

    As China joins the WTO , Chinese enterprises ' transnational investment is undergoing a new stage .

  3. 官方出口信用机构(OfficialExportCreditAgency)是一国为促进本国商品出口、鼓励本国企业开展跨国投资经营而设立的准政府机构。

    The Official Export Credit Agency is a quasi-government financial institution , which is set up for the sake of promoting export as well as encouraging oversea investment .

  4. 企业跨国投资若干问题的研究

    The Study of Some Issues on the Transnational Investment of Enterprises

  5. 探析了中国矿业企业跨国投资风险控制策略。

    Analysis of cross-border investments of Chinese mining companies risk control strategies .

  6. 跨国投资在山东发展缓慢的原因与对策

    Causes and Countermeasures of Slow Development of Transnational Investment in Shandong Province

  7. 也就是说,国有企业和民营企业所具有的特定优势在跨国投资中是存在着某些局限性。

    It means that their specific advantages have limitations in transnational investment .

  8. 银行业跨国投资的进入方式选择:新建与并购

    The Entry Options of Banks ' Multinational Investment : Greenfield and Acquisition

  9. 垄断优势、跨国投资和技术迁移

    Monopoly Dominant Position , Multinational Investment and Technology Removal

  10. 我国企业跨国投资的区位选择

    Area Selection for Transnational Investment by Enterprises in China

  11. 关于中国石油化工企业开展跨国投资的思考

    Ponder on Developing the Transnational Investment of SINOPEC Enterprises

  12. 我一直对在跨国投资银行工作很感兴趣。

    I 've always been interested in working for an international investment bank .

  13. 第一章:跨国投资理论对企业对外投资优势的研究。

    Part 2 : Theory on investment advantages .

  14. 首先,我借鉴了前人关于企业跨国投资的目的和条件的研究成果。

    Firstly , many economists proposed the conditions and the aims of international investment .

  15. 中国跨国投资战略研究

    A survey of china 's overseas investment strategy

  16. 应对跨国投资兼并的策略分析

    Strategic Analysis of Investment Merger of MNCs

  17. 企业跨国投资过程中无形资产国际化经营战略分析

    Analyzing the Strategy of Intangible Assets Internationalization in the Process of Enterprises ' Transnational Investment

  18. 这项调查是为帮助跨国投资商决定对海外移民者的工作补偿。

    The findings are designed to help multinational employers determine compensation for their expatriate workers .

  19. 在经济全球化和全球产业结构调整的背景下,新的跨国投资浪潮正在蓬勃兴起。

    During the economic globalization and global industry structure adjustment , new international investment wave is flourishing .

  20. 基于各自的特定优势,国有企业和民营企业的跨国投资行为表现出不同的路径选择特征。

    Based on their own specific advantages , state-owned enterprises and private enterprises have taken different investment strategies .

  21. 随后详细论述了企业跨国投资的三层次风险辨识及其指标设计。

    Then this paper expounds three dimensional risk identification of investment and gives its index design in detail .

  22. 中国企业跨国投资环境评估包括世界环境评估、东道国环境评估和母国环境评估。

    The evaluation should be consisted of the environments of the world , the host country and their homeland .

  23. 从理论和实证上分别论述信息技术革命为微观经济和宏观经济带来的深刻影响。从微观方面看,它降低企业成本,加快企业的决策,促进跨国投资。

    On the one hand , IT revolution lowers production costs , accelerates enterprises ' decision and promotes transnational investment .

  24. 结论部分对中国西部吸引跨国投资提出政策建议。

    And it puts forward policy proposals about how to attract foreign investment in western China in the conclusion part .

  25. 随着科技进步,专利权跨国投资日益发展,已经成为一种新型的跨国投资方式。

    With the improving of the science technology , a new kind of international investment has come-the international investment of patent .

  26. 经济全球化使高资源投入、高污染型产业,可以通过跨国投资形式在国际间进行转移。

    Economic globalization made industries , with high input of resources and high-pollution , have international transferring through multinational investment form .

  27. 经过10多年较大规模吸收外资,我国在全球跨国投资流动中的地位正在发生变化。

    Having absorbing FDI in large scale for over 10 years , China 's status in the global capital flow is changing .

  28. 在这部分解释分析了跨国投资的形式、外国直接投资的全球趋势以及全球国际直接投资的特点。

    In this part , it has analyzed the form of transnational investment , the trend and characteristic of global foreign direct investment .

  29. 而当前跨国投资银行的国际监管还处于起步阶段,跨国投资银行的业务经营未得到很好规制,影响了国际证券市场发展。

    However , the supervision of transnational investment bank is underway with result of inefficient regulation , which lags the development of security market .

  30. 由于银行业在国民经济体系中的特殊地位以及其内在脆弱性,银行业的跨国投资行为备受东道国政府的关注。

    Because of its special role in the national economy , and its inner vulnerability , banking industry attracts the attention of the host countries .