
  • 网络The Era;New Era
  1. 直接醇类燃料电池(Directalcoholfuelcell,缩写为DAFC)作为一种新型的绿色能源,对解决目前世界面临的能源短缺和环境污染这两大难题具有跨时代的重要意义。

    Direct alcohol fuel cell ( Direct alcohol fuel cell , abbreviated as DAFC ) as a new type of green energy , has cross-age significance to solve the two current world problems of energy shortage and environmental pollution .

  2. 他的创作有着现实意义和跨时代的意义。

    He has a practical significance of creativity and cross-times .

  3. 我们想要生产一种跨时代的产品

    What we want to do is make a leap-frog product

  4. 跨时代,跨收入,跨文化

    Across age , across income , across culture .

  5. 可见,对大学生进行社交礼仪教育具有跨时代、跨世纪的特殊意义。

    The good manners education has cross-age , cross-century special significance to college students .

  6. 网络的快速发展给人类社会带来了跨时代的改变。

    The rapid development of the Internet has put a great impact on the human society .

  7. 一个跨时代的脚印!

    A print of cross-time !

  8. 朱立立教授处理身份的跨时代瞻望有很大的暧昧和简单化处理。

    Professor Zhu Lili 's dealing with identity in a cross-time panorama seems too ambiguous and overly simplified .

  9. 从唐朝诗歌的创造看,唐代是中国古代诗歌的艺术高峰,唐诗的意境创造也是一个跨时代的超越。

    The ancient poetry reached its peak in terms of poetry , creation in tang dynasty the creation of poetry 's.

  10. 而且,整个纪念碑就是一个跨时代进展,与以前的缺乏设计风格完全不同。

    And the entire memorial is an improvement over what was on the spot before : a poorly designed road .

  11. 从蘩漪与安那的身上,让我们看见了跨时代和跨国界的两位女性为了爱情,而进行不息的反抗。

    The nonstop resist was revealed by their two femal sex , for love , who spaned the century and country .

  12. 这位词曲作家和歌唱家凭借最新发布的专辑《跨时代》,获得了最佳国语专辑奖和最佳国语男歌手奖。

    The songwriter and singer picked up the best Mandarin album and best Mandarin male singer trophies for his recent release Cross-generation .

  13. 随着无线通信、传感器等技术的不断进步,推动了具有跨时代意义的物联网的产生与发展。

    The continuous development of wireless communication , wireless sensor technology leads to the epoch-making emergence and promotion of the Internet of Things .

  14. 在西部开发和东北振兴以后,国家又一次跨时代意义地提出了中部崛起发展战略。

    Besides Development of the West Regions and Revival of the Northeast , the government has put forward another development strategy of Rising in the Center Regions .

  15. 本文将从三部分论述中国传统文化的审美和具有跨时代意义的艺术的生活化创作理念。

    The thesis will analyze the taste of beauty and the concept of ' Dissolving the art into life ' that have trans-era meaning from three perspectives .

  16. 综上所述,研究表明定向运动在西安市中小学开展是可行的,具有重要的、跨时代的教育意义。

    In summary , the study shows that primary and secondary schools orienteering carried out in Xi ' an , is feasible and has important significance of cross-age education .

  17. 从艺术发展的角度来分析在中国古代文化环境中,艺术的生活化理念是具有跨时代的现实意义的。

    The analysis of the concept of ' Dissolving the art into life ' in the context of ancient Chinese culture from the perspective of art development has trans-era realistic meaning .

  18. 采用艺术的跨时代性和无穷可能性,中国文化和文字也呈现出一种全新的视觉和思考体验。

    The time-transgressive art , with its infinite possibilities , is adroitly maneuvered by Xu Bing to create for the Chinese culture and language a wholly innovative visual and intellectual trait .

  19. 我国沪深300指数期货作为首个金融期货产品经过多年筹备之后,经国务院批准于2010年4月16日正式挂牌交易,而这对于我国金融业来说,将是一次跨时代的变革。

    Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 index futures , as the first financial derivative , had been authorized by the State Council , formally listing and exchanging on April 16th , 2010 . The event symbolizes a significant revolution for China financial industry .

  20. 由这些大型视频和社会化媒体平台进行传播是一次独一无二的、跨时代的转变。它意味着企业可以借此掌控自己的声音,随时与观众打成一片,他说。

    The distribution offered by these huge video and social media platforms is a unique generational shift that means it is a great opportunity for corporations to take control of their voice and really engage with their audience on a minute-by-minute basis , he says .

  21. 近年来,由于电子技术的迅猛发展,使得汽车的电子化程度越来越高,尤其当嵌入式系统引入汽车领域后,汽车电子化的可靠性和智能性取得了跨时代的发展。

    In recent years , with the rapid development of electronic technology , auto electronics degree has become more and more advanced . Especially when introducing the idea of embedded system design into auto field , the reliability and intelligence of automotive electronics developed rapidly with distinctive achievements .

  22. 由传统出版走向跨媒体时代&探讨我国编辑出版学教育的发展之路

    From Tradition to Cross-media : on the Development of Editing and Publishing Education in China

  23. 跨媒体时代的编辑出版对策

    Editing & Publishing Strategy in Cross-media Times

  24. 跨文化传播时代的广告

    The advertisement of the cross-cultural dissemination ages

  25. 随着我国股指期货的成功推出,我国成功的进入了跨市场结构时代。

    With the launch of stock index futures , our country successfully enter the age of cross market structure .

  26. 这次课程改革以跨世纪的时代背景为依托,被认为是新中国成立后改革力度最大,最深的一次。

    The curriculum reform in the new century is considered to be the top reformer since the founding of new China and treated as the deepest one .

  27. 此外,本论文还阐述了王氏文本如何借鉴了古典诗歌中赋与兴的表现手法,实现了赋法与兴法跨文体跨时代的运用。

    In addition , the paper also described Wang texts from the classical poetry to " Fu " and " Xing " means the performance achieved with the given Law cross-cultural cross-era law used .

  28. 伴随着新世纪的到来,人类社会正在从传统的工业经济时代跨向知识经济时代。

    With the arrival of the new century , Human society is from the traditional industrial economy to the era of the Knowledge-based Economy .

  29. 在雕塑艺术对于空间的理解、追求、表达已经呈现出了跨媒介、跨领域、跨时空的新时代背景下,雕塑艺术的空间表现形式怎样进行尝试性的探讨。

    Sculpture for the understanding of the space , the pursuit of expression has shown a cross-media , sculpture art space manifestation of how to conduct the trial of the new era of cross-cutting across time and space background .