
  • 网络Cross Border Trade in Services
  1. 上周五,多哈回合贸易谈判取得了意想不到的突破性进展,与会方在周末期间继续就有关跨境服务贸易问题进行会谈这通常是被谈判忽略的部分。

    The negotiations made an unexpected spurt of progress on Friday , and talks continued over the weekend on cross-border services trade often a neglected part of the negotiations .

  2. 分析结果表明,国内研发投入是我国技术进步的主要决定因素,通过跨境服务贸易进口传导的国外研发资本存量对我国产生的技术溢出也是影响我国技术水平的重要因素。

    The empirical results shows that the domestic R D input is the main determining factor , meanwhile , the technology spillover caused by the foreign R D via the cross-border services trade is also the important factor to impact the technology .

  3. 在跨境的服务贸易过程中,非贸易壁垒取代关税成为重要的贸易壁垒。

    Non - trade barrier replaces tariff to be trade condition within cross - border service delivery .