
  • 网络the rate of technology transfer
  1. 科技成果转化率直接影响我国经济增长方式的转变进程。

    The rate of technology transfer directly influences the transformation process of the economic growth mode .

  2. 与其他城市相比,武汉f市在九个城市中排名第七,技术效率较低,说明其未来应重点提高技术资源的配置效率,提高科技成果转化率,增加产出。

    Compared with other cities , Wuhan ranks seventh in nine cities . Its technological efficiency is low , indicating that in the future Wuhan should focus on improving the efficiency of resource allocation invested in technology , enhancing conversion rate of scientific and technological achievements and increasing output .

  3. 以日本为代表的发达国家特别重视TLO在提升科技成果转化率中的重要作用,并在TLO的经营上取得了成功。

    With Japan as a representative , the developed countries all place much importance upon the function of TLO in raising the technology transfer rate and have succeeded in their operation of TLO .

  4. 利用灰色预测法对科技成果转化率的预测

    Prediction on the Transformation Rate of Scientific Research Achievements by Grey-Prediction-Method

  5. 科技成果转化率低;

    The rate of transforming scientific and technological achievements is rather low ;

  6. 提高科技成果转化率的若干对策

    Countermeasures of Improving the Rate of Transformation of Achievements in Science and Technology

  7. 农业科技成果转化率测算方法分析

    Analysis of Methods for Calculating Transformation Ratio of Agricultural Science and Technology Achievements

  8. 提高我国科技成果转化率的三要素

    The Three Main Factors to Raise the Rate of China 's Technology Transfer

  9. 本文针对目前科技成果转化率低的现状,引入激励经济学的思想探讨转化工作的规律。

    The thesis researches the transition of science and technology achievement from incentive economics .

  10. 研究国内外经验和我国实际情况可以知道,风险投资是促进我国高新技术产业蓬勃发展,提高科技成果转化率的重要方法之一。

    Venture Capital is one of important ways to developing high technology industry in our country .

  11. 参与式研究能有效解决我国农业科技成果转化率低的问题。

    The effective solution on the problem of weak transformation and extension in the agricultural achievements .

  12. 我国农业科技成果转化率低与其运行机制不适应密切相关。

    The low efficiency of transferring for agricultural science and technology achievements relates to unsuitable operation mechanism .

  13. 在我国,科技成果转化率极低的现状已经严重阻碍了科技创新。

    In our country , the low rate of scientific & technological achievements transfer has obstructed technological innovation seriously .

  14. 目前我国农业科技成果转化率为30&40%,为了提高农业科技成果转化率,本文专门就示范户的有关问题进行了研究。

    Now the conversion rate of agricultural science and technology in China is only about 30 % to 40 % .

  15. 同时,高校科技成果转化率不高一直以来都是备受大家关注的话题,但是到现在也没有得到有效解决。

    At the same time , the topic of colleges and universities conversion rate is being popular but without significant improvement .

  16. 文摘:提高科技成果转化率,是转化经济增长方式的依托。

    Abstract : to raise the transformation rate of r & d results is the basis of increasing an economic growth .

  17. 本研究主要针对农业科技成果转化率低的现实问题,从农业科技政策的角度出发揭示其所存在的偏离穷人用户的机制,并在此基础上提供相关的政策建议。

    This research focuses on China 's Agricultural Technology Policy and explores the reasons for the low rate of transformation of agricultural technology .

  18. 当前,发达国家的科技成果转化率高达80%,而我国只有40%。

    Currently , transfer rate of technical result is as high as 80 % in developed countries , whereas only 40 % in China .

  19. 因此,解决科技成果转化率低的关键就在于围绕培育主体,从六个方面入手加强环境建设。

    The key of solving the lower transformation rate of sci-tech achievements lies on fostering the main body and strengthening environmental construction from six aspects .

  20. 本文对高校、医院、科研院所、企业、产学研联合体等形成的科技成果转化率差异的内在机理进行了探讨。

    The thesis discuss why the efficiency of the technology conversion by colleges and universities , hospital , state scientific research organization is so different .

  21. 第四,为了提高农业科技成果转化率,必须解决农业、科研和教育体制脱节的问题实现农科教相结合。

    The problems of divorces among agriculture , scientific research and education must be solved to enhance the transferring rates of agricultural scientific and technology achievements .

  22. 可见农业科技成果转化率不高已成为制约我国现代农业发展和新农村建设的重要瓶颈。

    So the lower transferring rate of sci-tech achievements in agriculture has been the main barriers to the development of modern agriculture and construction of new countryside .

  23. 当前,农业科技成果转化率低、对农业生产的贡献不足问题已经成了农村、农业现代化建设的重要障碍。

    Nowadays , the transformation rate of the science and technology achievements was low in rural areas , and this blocks the modernization of countryside and agriculture .

  24. 研究与开发(R&D)和市场营销及和生产之间的界面管理不善是直接导致科技成果转化率与技术创新水平低下的关键因素。

    The interface management between R D / Marketing and R D / Production is essential to commercialization of S T achievements and success of technological innovation .

  25. 高校科技成果转化率低一直是阻碍我国科技与社会全面发展的大问题。

    The low rate of the transformation of S & T achievements in universities is the big problem to obstacle the rapid development of science , technology and economy in China .

  26. 分析表明农业高校科技成果转化率低和农业高校的科技企业本身的行为有着密切地关系。

    From the above , we can prove our opinions : enterprise behaviors have intimate relations with the commercialization of science and technology products which made the current commercialization rate so low .

  27. 导致高校医药卫生科技成果转化率低和产业化成功率低的原因多且复杂,主要是信息交流不畅和社会生产技术落后。

    The reasons of low transformation rate of medical science and technology achievements are many and complex , the main reason is poor exchange of information and technological backwardness of social production .

  28. 提高科技成果转化率,加速其产业化进程,使功能食品产业成为国民经济支柱产业之一;

    Increase the transformation of the achievements of science & technology to production , and accelerate the industrialization courses , ultimately , make the functional food industry become pillar industry of national economy ;

  29. 我国国内技术供给能力在不断增强,但是还存在R&D投入不足、国内专利授权量较低、技术引进与消化吸收比例严重失调、科技成果转化率低等问题。

    But there exist questions such as insufficient R & D investment , low patent authorization quantity , undue proportion in technology introduction to its assimilation , and low conversion ratio in science technology production .

  30. 譬如我国农产品生产规模经济的缺失、农产品物流水平的落后以及农业科技成果转化率低。

    For example , the lack of economies of scale in production of agricultural products in China , the level of backwardness of agricultural product logistics , as well as agricultural science and technology into low .