
  • 网络Kosovo War
  1. 然而,我们如今生活的这个世界,与上世纪90年代已经有天壤之别。在90年代,西方扩大了北约(Nato),并发动了科索沃战争。

    Nonetheless , we are living in a world very different from that of the 1990s , when the west expanded Nato and launched the Kosovo war .

  2. 科索沃战争对高技术作战军需保障的启示

    Enlightenment of military supplies support from Kosovo war in high-tech war

  3. 她拍摄了一部关于科索沃战争的两集纪录片。

    She made a two-part documentary about the war in kosovo .

  4. 根据他在科索沃战争期间的观察,他对破坏情况作了记述性报道。

    He documented the destruction he observed during the Cosovo War .

  5. 发动科索沃战争,实践北约新概念;

    Launch the war of Kosovo and practice NATO 's new concept ;

  6. 人道主义干预与国家主权&科索沃战争的教训

    Humanitarian intervention and national sovereignty & lessons of Kosovo War

  7. 科索沃战争对做好我国国民经济动员的启示

    The Enlightenment of economic mobilization from the Kosovo War

  8. 科索沃战争对加强我军战场军需保障的启示

    Enlightenment of battlefield military supplies from the Kosovo War

  9. 科索沃战争对后方仓库建设的启示

    Enlightenment of rare warehouse construction from the Kosovo War

  10. 从地理态势分析科索沃战争中的地理环境

    From the Situation of Geography Observe the Kosovo War

  11. 从科索沃战争看电网规划及建设

    Approach Electric Network Programming and Construction from Kosovo War

  12. 科索沃战争中攻防对抗的几点分析

    An Analysis About Attacking and Defending in Kosovo War

  13. 科索沃战争对我军军交运输建设的几点启示

    Enlightenment of military transportation construction from Kosovo War

  14. 从科索沃战争看美国新干涉主义

    The Kosovo Crisis and the U.S. New Interventionism

  15. 科索沃战争和开发地下空间

    Kosovo War and Development of Underground Space

  16. 据此,可以判断北约发动的科索沃战争的非正常性。

    Thus , one can concludes that the Kosovo War launched by NATO is abnormal .

  17. 但自从1999年科索沃战争以来,该地区就一直由联合国管辖。

    But since the war of1999it has been under the jurisdiction of the United nations .

  18. 科索沃战争后的巴尔干

    The Balkans after the Kosovo War

  19. 从科索沃战争浅析铁托时期输血政策的失误

    Analyzing the Fault of Blood Transfusion Policy Simply of Tito Period by the War of Kosovo

  20. 在过去的英阿马岛战争和科索沃战争中已多有证明。

    In the past Malvinas Islands War and the Kosovo War has been more than a proof .

  21. 科索沃战争引发的若干思考

    Consideration on the Kosovo War

  22. 区域组织运用武力问题在科索沃战争后更为引人关注。

    After the war in Kosovo , the use of force by regional organzation is more conspicuous .

  23. 科索沃战争中北约无人机的行动引起了世人的关注。

    UAV operations during NATO ′ s Operation Allied Force in Kosovo attracted the attention of the world .

  24. 无人机将成为压制防空作战的有效武器&科索沃战争经验总结之一

    Pilotless Aircraft Will Become Effective Weapon for Suppressing Air Defense Operation & One of Experience Analyses About Kosovo War

  25. 科索沃战争是一场以美国为首的北约国家对南斯拉夫联盟共和国的侵略战争。

    The Kosovo War is an aggressive war to Yugoslavia launched by the NATo member countries led by the US .

  26. 此外,科索沃战争是在南斯拉夫解体后多年战乱的背景下发生的。

    The Kosovo war also took place in the context of the many years of fighting that followed the break-up of Yugoslavia .

  27. 科索沃战争后,人道主义干涉再度成为国际法上的一个热点问题。

    Humanitarian intervention has once again become a heated discussion in thedomain of the international law in the wake of the Kosovo War .

  28. 然而,直到1999科索沃战争爆发之前,欧盟各国仍然在为欧盟独立防务争吵不休。

    However , until 1999 before the outbreak of Kosovo war , the EU still made an endless bickering over the EU independent defense .

  29. 例如,科索沃战争的多数定点轰炸都是美国和少数几个盟友执行的。

    Much of the precision bombing in the Kosovo war , for instance , was carried out by America and a handful of allies .

  30. 综述了无人机在科索沃战争中的应用,无人机特点,作战应用发展和技术发展趋势。

    Pilotless aircraft operation in Kosovo war , pilotless aircraft 's characteristics , operational application , technique development trend were analyzed in this paper .