
  • 网络Scientific observation;Science Watch;Science Focus
  1. 研究起点与科学观察

    Research start point and scientific observation

  2. 科学观察有期望,科学的期望作为原始结构在同化过程中生成理论体系。

    The expectation in scientific observation , as an original structure , generates a theoretical system in the process of assimilation .

  3. 听你说你的科学观察。

    To listen to any more of your scientific observations .

  4. 但经验主义成就了科学观察与实验

    It did help by promoting observation and experiment .

  5. 现在,雷斯正在继续他的科学观察。

    Today , Riess is continuing his observations .

  6. 论科学观察活动的主体性

    On the Subjectivity of Scientific Watching

  7. 论科学观察的真实性及视觉的作用

    On observation and sense of sight

  8. 你在科学观察方面的天赋本可以用在更好的地方…用在早上选双合适的袜子上

    Your talents in scientific observations would be put to better use in picking your socks in the morning .

  9. 科学观察发现,身体发胖前往往会出现一些反常现象及预兆。

    Science observes discovery , a few unusual appearances often can appear to reach before body get fat bodeful .

  10. 雷达使用微波照射地球进行科学观察,这种观察不受天气及日光的影响。

    The radars illuminate Earth with microwaves allowing detailed observations at any time , regardless of weather or sunlight conditions .

  11. 这些文件应当包括所用的生产原料、设备、工艺,和科学观察。

    These documents should include information on the use of production materials , equipment , processing , and scientific observations .

  12. 目的规范护理行为,加强产科母婴安全管理,科学观察新生儿黄疸发生情况。

    Objective To standardize nursing actions , strengthen the management of maternal-baby safety , and observe the status of newborn jaundice scientifically .

  13. 科学观察和科学实验的直接目的和结果,是积累作为理论知识基础的科学事实。

    He direct purpose and result of scientific observation and experimentation is an accumulation in scientific fact used as the basal in theories .

  14. 真实分为两种,一种是客观世界的真实,那是用科学观察做依据的;

    There are two types of reality , one is the reality of objective world , which is on the basis of scientific observation ;

  15. 这项语言的功能也体现在研究和新发现的情况下。例如科学家就新的发现写科学观察报告就使用到该语言功能。

    Scientists with new discoveries and begin to write scientific observations of their findings are regarded to be making use of the heuristic of language .

  16. 作为新兴技术,无线传感器网络具有十分广阔的应用领域,包括军事、环境监测、目标追踪、科学观察和预报等领域。

    As one kind of new technology , WSN has a wide application area such as military , environment monitoring , object tracking , science observing , and forecasting .

  17. 鉴于地学研究中的某些偏向,对研究起点与科学观察这两个基本问题,就思维和方法方面进行了讨论。

    Abstract In view of some tendencies in geological study , the thinking and method relating to two basic problems & research start point and scientific observation are discussed in this paper .

  18. 为文科大学生开设大学物理实验,可培养他们的思维能力、科学观察能力,提高科学素养,拉近其与新科技的距离。

    The course of university physics experiment is helpful for liberal arts students to enhance their ability of thinking and scientific observation , to raise their scientific accomplishment and to approach the development of new science .

  19. 综观其发明全过程,可以发现科学观察和科学实验是其科学发明的认识基础,科学怀疑与科学批判之精神是其发明得以成功的重要保证。

    Take a comprehensive view of the whole process of that contrivance , we can discover that the scientific observation and scientific experimentation is the foundation of cognition in his scientific invention , and the scientific skepticism and critical spirit is an important successful guarantee of the contrivance .

  20. 课堂观察是一种科学的观察,观察者必须经过学习和训练才能实施有效的课堂观察。

    Everyone who implements effective classroom observation should go through both study and training .

  21. 采用科学的观察方法。

    To employ scientific methods of observing ;

  22. 纯粹科学进行观察和解释。

    Pure science observes and explains .

  23. 与其他画家不一样,里奥纳多的艺术中充满了他对科学的观察。

    Perhaps more than any other painter , Leonardo 's art is imbued with his scientific observations .

  24. 这种审美倾向决定了水彩风景画创作自开始以来所具有的科学的观察态度。

    This tendency determines the aesthetic creativity of watercolor landscapes since its inception is as a scientific attitude of observation .

  25. 要了解在你身上哪些方面存在这种差异,你必须即做一名科学的观察者,又做一位自己观察下的受测者。

    To learn where this distinction lies in your personality , you must become both a scientific observer and the subject of your own observation .

  26. 应科学地观察和评价水上交通安全形势与状况,科学合理地设定安全指标;

    The author believes that it is necessary to deal with relationship between safety and development , to valuate maritime traffic safety by scientific approach , to establish reasonable safety standards .

  27. 采用科学的观察手段、一点勇气、一位帮助你克服难点,你也能够开拓喜爱的活动。

    Employing scientific observation methods , a little courage , and a friend to help you through the rough spots , you too can expand the range of activities you enjoy .

  28. 探测器携带了几台科学仪器来观察火星的大气层和表面。

    The probe carries several scientific instruments to observe the planet 's atmosphere and surface .

  29. 以上是我通过科学的实证观察与自己的亲身体验所感受到的——它就是我的信仰。

    This I believe on the evidence of science and through personal observation and experience .

  30. 张衡则以高超的工艺制造了“浑天仪”、“地动仪”等科学仪器,观察天象,感应地震。

    Zhang Heng invented seismography and the Armillary Sphere so as to observe the universe and perceive earthquake .