
The subjects of ecology , geography and academics combine the landscape ecology . It is a frame of new concept and an idea of holistic .
Soil classification reflects level of the overall research in pedology .
Toward a Systems Approach to the Comprehensive Study of Translatology
Exploration into the comprehensive laboratory course of science of materials
Exploratory on administrant mode of integrative experiments of bioscience courses
Synthesize ability of environmental science is essential accomplishment for undergraduate today .
Pilot Study of Intergrating Fulfillment Course in Middle School Life Sciences Activities
Educating theory and method of synthesize ability of environmental science was discussed .
Proofreading of natural science synthetical academic periodical
The Peachblossom Garden of comprehensive science thoughts , is more beautiful than Peachblossom Garden of poem !
The features of the 21st century are scientific synthesization , technical modernization and economic globalization , society 's informationization .
Lesley 's company had been hired to advertise the new science complex in order to raise corporate money for the proposed building .
The setting up of Beijing Studies has an important significance for historic culture , social development , reform and open and science of multiple .
It has maee mid-range forecast become a think proceeding that analog the meteorological experts to synthesize scientifically and logical reason when they solve complex problems .
In the fourth chapter , through expound the develop model about the art and science colligate curriculum with related cases , the writer discussed this colligate curriculum from practice side .
The study appears in the journal Nature Geoscience . [ James Greenwood et al . , " Hydrogen ratios in lunar rocks indicate delivery of cometary water to the Moon " ]
For the scientific knowledge containing three parts , Life World , the Material World and the Earth and the Universe , it is a severe challenge in scientific knowledge of the primary school teachers .
The scientific planning to river watershed is the key to realize scientific management , disposition , exploiture , utilize and protection of water resource and important act to propel sustainable development of national economy .
Being different from the traditional one , the modern study of metaphor aims to expand from the simple study of rhetoric to a new comprehensive study including poetics , semiology , semantics , Hermeneutics and science of thought .
In the third chapter , according to the correspond structure of the general curriculum theory , the writer expound the aim , content , implement , and evaluation of the art and science colligate curriculum , aimed to shape the general frame .
Nowadays Information Technology ( IT ) has been highly developed , and during the process of economy globalization , science generalization , and development integration , Project-based learning ( PBL ) is adaptable to the new demands of able people in new age for comprehensive development .
Reforms should be carried out on the curriculum in the schools of teachers , with the comprehensive course on science and practice-based courses involving science , technology and society included . How to teach gramma effectively is an important subject of the comprehensive course for junior English majors .
The research was published in August in PLOS ONE .
The study appeared in the Public Library of Science journal PLoS ONE .
DNA computing is a cross-cutting technology based on many disciplinary . It depends on the development of Molecular biology and Computer science .
He is an executive coach and director of research for the NeuroLeadership Institute , an organisation that synthesises scientific research and applies it to business and leadership .
Factor analysis in the synthetical evaluation indicator system of scientific fund
A Comprehensive Study on Scientific Training of Elite Young Players
So says a study in the journal Public Library of Science One .
Bibliometric Analysis and Evaluation of " Agricultural Systems Science and Comprehensive Study "