
  1. 我希望能发现计算机课程是我其他科目的一个有益帮手。

    I hoped I would find the computer course a useful adjunct to my other studies .

  2. 目前,全美只有17个州要求至少将理财知识作为其他科目的一部分来教给学生。

    Currently , only seventeen states require personal finance to be taught at least as part of other courses .

  3. 在大多数学院和大学考试被当作决定是否一个学生成功或失败精通一种特定科目的一种主要的方法。

    In most colleges and universities the examination is used as a chief means of deciding whether a student succeeds or fails in mastering a particular subject .

  4. 小组协同教学制:一种教室教学方法,若干教师将他们各自的科目合成一门课程,然后这些教师作为一个小组教一组学生。

    A method of classroom instruction in which several teachers combine their individual subjects into one course which they teach as a team to a single group of students .

  5. 第二次考试是各高校设置1&4科专业考试科目,一部分是以高中课程中的选修内容命题,另一部分是抛开教学大纲,从专业的角度命题。

    The second round examination is designed by universities for the major test including 1-4 subjects . Part of the subjects are the optional courses in high school , while the other part is designed according to a particular major .

  6. 课程中的科目构成了一个连贯的整体。

    The subjects of the curriculum form a coherent whole .

  7. 在这些科目上得到一个好分数,结合你们的篮球技术。

    Getting good grades in those subjects , combined with basketball skills .

  8. 他要有关这个科目的最后一本书。

    He asked for the last book that was on the subject .

  9. 取决于你的学习方式,你也许会觉得一个科目比另外一个更容易。

    Depending on your learning style , you may find one easier than the other .

  10. 它可以是某件慈善事业,是在学校里的科目,是一种乐器,是运动,艺术,读书,等等。

    Be it a charity , subject in school , musical instrument , sport , art , reading , etc.

  11. 英语不但是一门科目,而且是一门语言。

    English is not a subject ; it is a language .

  12. 连他的消遣都是放下一个科目又拿起另一个科目的变换研究。

    Even his recreation consisted in change of study , laying down one subject to take up another .

  13. 多个高级文凭及文凭课程已编为科目组,同一科目组的学员可于第一个学年修读共同科目。

    Many Diploma and Higher Diploma courses have been put into subject groups and share a common year-1 curriculum .

  14. 他们能回过头重新学习他们认为学得不够扎实的任何科目,或者学习一门全新的科目。

    They can return to any subject that they feel was not sufficiently covered or learn a completely new subject .

  15. 不过同一地区的中小学往往在同一科目上使用同一种教材。

    But the primary schools and middle schools in the same area often use the same kind of textbook on the subjects .

  16. 从而中韩两国小学社会课程均是培养符合其社会规范之人的科目,从这一点上来说该课程是以公民教育为特征的。

    In this respect , the elementary school Social Studies subjects of China and Korea can be defined as civil education subjects .