
  1. 经过改革后的我国高中新的课程结构由学习领域、科目、模块三个层次构成。

    After the reform , the new Curriculum Structure of China includes three levels-learning areas , subject and module .

  2. 但是他们可以从政治、历史、地理、物理、化学、生物和科学等科目中任选三门作为选考科目。

    But they can choose three optional ones from politics , history , geography , physics , chemistry , biology and science in other tests .

  3. 心理素质包含心理健康、心理角色与心理能量三个层次,对应此心理素质结构,特警心理训练科目构成包括基础科目、专项科目及综合科目三个部分。

    Psychological quality includes three aspects : mental health , sychological role , and psychological power . Corresponding to this pattern , the construction of raining subjects for SWAT includes elementary subjects , special subjects , and comprehensive subjects .