
  • 网络The Coptic Church;COPT
  1. 科普特教会是最古老的基督教会之一。

    The Coptic Church is among the oldest churches of Christianity .

  2. 科普特教会(古代埃及建立的基督教会,现今在埃及和埃塞俄比亚均有教徒)。

    The Coptic Church the ( ancient Christian Church of Egypt , now with members in Egypt and Ethiopia )

  3. 埃及与拜占廷帝国间的政治、文化冲突导致了早期教义纷争的出现,最终科普特教会走上独立发展的道路。

    Politics and cultural conflicts between Egypt and Byzantine Empire have caused the early religious doctrine dispute , and finally Coptic Church stepped onto the independent path .

  4. 光是禁止离婚还不够,科普特教会还认为确实解除了前次婚姻而再婚的人是不可原谅的。

    Not content to ban divorce , his church will not condone a second marriage for anyone who might actually have managed to get out of the first one .

  5. 科普特人的、科普特教会的、科普特语的、科普特艺术或与之相关的。

    Of or relating to the Copts or their church or language or art .