
  1. 随着无人驾驶技术的进步,汽车行业正努力阻止谷歌(Google)、苹果(Apple)和其他科技竞争对手的入侵。

    With advances in self-driving technology , the automotive industry is wrestling to block incursions by Google , Apple and other technology rivals .

  2. RD是技术创新的源泉,战略RD投资对于提高国家的科技竞争、增强企业实力有着相当重要的作用。

    R D is source of technological innovation , strategic R D investment play a key role in enhancing the national technical competitive power and upgrading enterprise strength .

  3. 尤其在加入WTO后,作为国际间科技竞争和经济竞争的战略制高点之一的专利竞争也愈演愈烈。

    In particular , after entering to WTO , as the strategic high ground of the international inter-technology competition and economic competition , the competition of patent become more and more intense .

  4. 中国加入WTO后,企业必然面对更加激烈的国际竞争,随着知识经济时代的到来,国际竞争的比较优势主要体现在科技竞争优势上。

    The Chinese enterpnises bound to confront keener international competitions after China 's entry into WTO . With the arrival of knowledge economy , the comparative advantage of international competitions is embodied in the scientific and technological competition .

  5. 当今世界各国之间的竞争越来越集中体现为科技竞争。

    Competition among countries in the world is increasingly science and technology .

  6. 地区科技竞争是区域竞争的重要趋势。

    Regional science and technology competition is the important trend of regional competition .

  7. 科技竞争是企业竞争的基本策略

    Sci-tech Competition Is Basic Strategy in Enterprise Competition

  8. 科技竞争理论述评

    Technological Competition Theories : a Literature Review

  9. 技术标准成了现代经济和科技竞争的新热点。

    The technical standard becomes the new hot spot of the economical ang technical competition .

  10. 随着科学技术的发展,原始性创新已经成为科技竞争的制高点。

    Original innovation has become the decisive factor in the competition of science and technology .

  11. 科技竞争成为国际间综合国力竞争的焦点。

    International competition in science and technology become the focus of competition in comprehensive national strength .

  12. 知识经济时代的科技竞争也会更激烈。

    The competition for technological superiority in the era of the knowledge-based economy will also be more intense .

  13. 知识经济时代,科技竞争、人才竞争是区域竞争的关键。

    The era of knowledge economy , technology and talent competition is the sticking point of regional competition .

  14. 卫星遥感干涉成像光谱技术是当代各国高新科技竞争中的一项关键技术。

    The satellite interference multispectral imaging device is a new and high technology in the competition of the current era .

  15. 国际间经济竞争、科技竞争乃至综合国力的竞争,实际上是智力和人才的竞争。

    The international competition in economy , science and comprehensive national power is actually the competition of intelligence and talents .

  16. 在企业之间的竞争当中,科技竞争是竞争的最为主要的形式之一。

    In the competitions among the business enterprises , the S & T competition is one of the most main forms .

  17. 他说,如果人类将来会与智能科技竞争,这样的脑机交互非常重要。

    Such an interface , he says , is essential if humans are to compete with such technology in the future .

  18. 21世纪属于科技竞争的时代,而科技竞争的实质是人才的竞争。

    21st century belongs to the era of technological competition , but the essence of technological competition is the talent competition .

  19. 只有提高自主创新能力,才能在国际科技竞争中占据战略制高点。

    Only to improve the independent innovation capacity can capture strategic commanding heights in the competition of international science and technology .

  20. 第六,注重开放环境,在全球科技竞争与合作中找到中国科学和技术发展的位置。

    Sixth , pay attention to open environment and locate Chinese S T in the global S T competition and cooperation .

  21. 随着知识经济的迅猛兴起,知识产权必将成为国际经济、贸易和科技竞争的聚焦点。

    International economy , trade and technological competition will focus more on intellectual protection with the rapid development of intellectual economy .

  22. 原始性创新是基础研究的灵魂,已成为当代科技竞争的战略制高点。

    The initiative innovation is a soul of basic research and has become a commanding point of strategy of modern sci-tech competition .

  23. 全球金融科技竞争不断升温,这次前50大企业分布在17个国家,去年为13个国家。

    Competition is heating up globally with 17 countries now making the top 50 established companies , up from 13 last year .

  24. 进入21世纪,信息技术成为现代科技竞争的重要资源。

    Stepping into 21 ~ ( st ) century , information technology has been the important resource in the modern scientific and technology competition .

  25. 在当前日益激烈的科技竞争形势下,对科研成果进行有效保护已成为科研院所面对的一项重要课题。

    Under the current situation in the increasingly fierce technological competition , effective protection has become a scientific research institutes dealing with an important subject .

  26. 21世纪体育竞争是科技竞争,科技竞争的实质又是人才的竞争。

    The sports competition in the 21st century is actually the competition of science and technology , the essence of which is the competition of talents .

  27. 随着原始性创新能力逐步成为世界科技竞争的制高点,加强我国原始性创新能力已成为刻不容缓的议题。

    For the reason that original innovation gradually becomes the acme of world science and technology competition improving original innovation capability is more and more important .

  28. 科技竞争过程可以分为五个主要的阶段,每个阶段起关键作用的因素都不相同。

    Furthermore , the technological competition process may be divided into five main stages , and in each stage the key factors are not all the same .

  29. 随着全球经济与科技竞争日趋激烈,市场经济的不断深入和高教改革进一步的深化,学生的理想信念悄然发生变化。

    With the development of global economy and technique competition , the market economy and the high school reform turning further , the ideal conviction of students changes quietly .

  30. 在经济日趋一体化的21世纪,经济实力竞争日益表现为先进科技竞争的今天,研究科技进步的作用是极具现实意义的。

    In the 21st , when economy is integrative increasingly and international economy strength competition manifests advanced Scientific Technological competition , to research Scientific Technological progress effect is very significative .