
  • 网络snowden;Snowdon;Edward Snowden;Lisa Snowdon
  1. 在一次去斯诺顿山的家庭远游中失踪的女孩被发现已死在山坡上。

    A girl who went missing during a family outing to mount Snowdon has been found dead on the mountainside .

  2. 一般来说,像“口袋”这样获得救助的年轻猫咪对这些音乐是最敏感的,斯诺顿说。他还说,愈是平静的曲子,对于那些经历过忽略和虐待的猫咪们来说,愈有治疗作用。

    Young rescue cats like Pocket are generally the most responsive to the music , Mr. Snowdon said , adding that the more-calming tracks could be therapeutic for cats who have experienced neglect or abuse .

  3. 第二周星期一,巴赫曼在滑铁卢的斯诺顿楼发表声明之后,将在新罕布什尔州雷蒙德举行一场“后院会谈”。

    After her announcement next Monday at Waterloo 's Snowden House , Bachmann will host a " backyard chat " in Raymond , N.H.

  4. 有一天黎明,他们搭了一辆出租车,前往斯诺顿山,沿着克利布科奇山脊漫步。

    One day they took a taxi and a bus at dawn for an expedition to the real mountain slopes of the Snowdon horseshoe ,