
  • 网络Korean-American;Korean American
  1. 这位44岁韩裔美国人的旅游运营商上个月被控阴谋推翻平壤政府。

    The 44-year-old Korean-American tour operator was found guilty last month of plotting to overthrow the Pyongyang government .

  2. 《全美女孩》试图描绘韩裔美国人群体,却没有得到他们的认可。更多的观众觉得该剧并不好笑。

    The series was disowned by the Korean-American community that it tried to portray and was eventually rejected by the wider audience for being unfunny .

  3. 看看以下因素吧:总部位于纽约的时尚摇篮GenArt为自己近期的新人时装发布会GenArtFreshFaces选择了八位设计师,其中四位是韩国人或韩裔美国人。

    Consider the following : four out of eight designers chosen by Gen Art , a New York-based fashion incubator , to show their designs in the recent Gen Art Fresh Faces catwalk show were Korean or Korean American .

  4. Chung是一名帕森的毕业生,她在4岁时和家人一起从韩国来到了新泽西。她认为更多韩裔美国人学习时尚设计的原因是韩国社会接受了这一职业。

    Chung , a Parsons graduate who moved with her family from Korea to New Jersey when she was four years old , credits the upswell of Korean Americans studying fashion to an increasing acceptance of pursuing it as a career in the Korean community .

  5. 韩裔美国人艾瑞克·纳姆是一名歌手,也是现今韩国娱乐界最知名的人物之一。

    Korean-Americansinger Eric Nam is one of the most recognized figures in Korea 's entertainment industry today .

  6. 周四,数百名韩裔美国人出现在州府里士满市,为投票活动助威。

    Hundreds of Korean Americans showed up on Thursday to cheer the vote in Richmond , the state capital .

  7. 它们必须迎合普通美国人和韩裔美国人的口味,她说,我在韩国长大,我的口味是正宗的韩国口味。

    They have to follow the taste of Americans , and the Korean-Americans , she said . I have the taste from growing up in Korea .

  8. 麦科马克说,国务院韩国事务办公室主任、韩裔美国人金成在结束有关北韩核申报问题的两天会议之后,预计在星期四离开平壤。

    McCormack said Sung Kim , a Korean-American who heads the State Department 's office of Korean affairs , is expected to leave Pyongyang Thursday after two days of meetings on the declaration .

  9. 他把自己部分作品的幻灯(其中一幅画描绘的是光州起义)发给了前往朝鲜平壤参加一个青年节的一些韩裔美国人,因此被捕。

    Mr. Hong was arrested after sending slides of some of his work , including a painting that depicted the Gwangju uprising , to Korean-Americans who were headed to a youth festival in Pyongyang , North Korea .