
  1. 韩国外交部官员金世元(KimSe-won)说,外交部支持反歧视法。

    The Foreign Ministry supports an anti-discrimination law , said Kim Se-won , a ministry official .

  2. 韩国外交部说,这批朝鲜人将在星期一乘搭大韩航空公司的客机飞往汉城。

    Korea Foreign Department said this batch of Koreans will fly to Seoul by Korean Airlines next Monday .

  3. 韩国外交部表示,尽管朝鲜发出最新警告,但没有一个常驻首尔的外国使馆安排人员撤离。

    The South Korean foreign ministry said no embassies in Seoul had advised staff to leave despite the latest warning .

  4. 据韩国外交部说,上周六发生的这起事故中丧生的两名乘客都是中国女性。

    Both passengers killed on Saturday 's flight were female Chinese nationals , according to the South Korean Foreign Ministry .

  5. 韩国外交部一位发言人说,将采用邮寄挂号信的方式退回信件。

    The letter was subsequently put in the post , registered delivery , a spokesman at the foreign ministry in Seoul said .

  6. 韩国外交部表示,目前警方仍在调查此事,但涉案学生现在面临被韩国驱逐出境。

    Police are still investigating but those students found to be involved now face eviction from South Korea , its foreign ministry said .

  7. 韩国外交部发言人周二提到了上周五韩国发表的一则声明,声明对日本上周提议将岛屿之争提交国际法庭的做法表示拒绝。

    A South Korean Foreign Ministry spokesman on Tuesday referred to a Friday statement that rejected Japan 's move , floated already last week .

  8. 韩国外交部表示,中国和日本对相关海域的界线确定持不同意见,最终划界将通过当事国的谈判来决定。

    South Korea 's foreign ministry says the final decision on the demarcation will be made through consultations with China and Japan , which have different claims .

  9. “由于录用女儿的问题引发争议,为承担责任,部长柳明桓已提出辞职,”韩国外交部周日表示。

    " Minister Yu offered to step down , taking responsibility for causing controversy over the issue of hiring his daughter , " the foreign ministry said on Sunday .

  10. 韩国外交部拒绝谈论该委员会的使命和目的,只是表示,由外交官和法官们组成的委员会将于3月13日至19日访问中国。

    The South Korean foreign ministry declined to comment on the mission and its purpose beyond saying diplomats and judiciary officials would visit China from March 13 to 19 .

  11. 韩国外交部发言人指出平壤企图制造核武器是不能被接受的,朝鲜也将对此进行严肃处理。

    South Korea 's Foreign Ministry spokesman said Pyongyang 's actions toward making nuclear weapons are intolerable and the North 's provocations will be dealt with sternly and consistently .

  12. 韩国外交部说,这些脱北者据信已经于本周早些时候经由中国回到朝鲜,他们将可能面临审问。

    The North Korean defectors are assumed to have been repatriated earlier this week via China , according to the South Korean Foreign Ministry , and will likely face interrogation .

  13. 韩国外交部周四表示,在没找出是谁在与朝鲜有争议的边境引起了军舰沉没之前,不会重启谈判。

    The ROK 's foreign ministry on Thursday said efforts to restart the talks must wait until Seoul finds out who sank its warship near their disputed border with the DPRK .

  14. 韩国外交通商部发言人赵炳珶(ChoByung-jae)表示:我们的评估是,基础已经奠定,可以推进我们的努力,力求以全面、根本的方式解决朝鲜核问题。

    It is our assessment that the basis has been set for moving forward on our efforts to resolve the North Korean nuclear issue in a comprehensive and fundamental manner , Cho Byung-jae , a spokesman for the foreign ministry , said .

  15. 博斯沃思还和韩国外交通商部长官金星焕举行了会谈。

    Bosworth also held a separate meeting with South Korean Foreign Minister Kim Sung-hwan .

  16. 韩国外交通商部长官柳明桓说,北韩的行动也许有其政治动机。

    Foreign Minister Yu says the North 's actions may have a political angle .

  17. 韩国外交通商部长官柳明桓证实,中国已经收到这份各方期待已久的清单。

    South Korean Foreign Minister Yu Myung-hwan confirmed the long-awaited nuclear declaration was in China 's hands .

  18. 韩国外交通商部长官潘基文呼吁中国说服北韩不要试射远程导弹。

    South Korean Minister of foreign affairs and trade ban Ki-moon has called on China to persuade North Korea not to test-fire a long-range missile .

  19. 韩国外交通商部说,希望新一轮会谈会在解决北韩核问题上取得实质性进展。

    The Foreign Ministry in Seoul said it hopes substantial progress will be made in resolving the North Korean nuclear issue in the next round of discussions .

  20. 韩国外交通商部长官柳明桓星期五表示,北韩把各方已经为之努力了5年左右的外交努力置于危险之中。

    South Korean Foreign Minister Yu Myung-hwan said Friday North Korea is putting at risk the diplomatic effort that has been some five years in the making .

  21. 韩国外交通商部发表声明赞扬这场音乐会。该声明认为,音乐会为改善北韩和美国之间的互谅互信提供了一个好机会。

    South Korea 's Foreign Ministry issued a statement praising the concert as a chance to improve mutual understanding and trust between North Korea and the United States .

  22. 联合国安理会目前已提名韩国外交通商部长官潘基文接替科菲·安南担任联合国秘书长。

    The United Nations ( UN ) Security Council has nominated South Korean Foreign Minister Ban Ki-Moon as its choice to succeed Kofi Annan as UN secretary general .

  23. 美国大使弗什鲍星期二晚间会见韩国外交通商部长官之后所说的话,指的就是没有科学依据这一点。

    It was this absence of scientifically proven risk Ambassador Vershbow was referencing in his comments Tuesday night , made after his meeting with South Korea 's Foreign Minister .

  24. 韩国外交通商部长官说,平壤如果继续一意孤行,将威胁到解除北韩核武器项目的外交进程。

    South Korea 's chief diplomat says a diplomatic process aimed at getting rid of North Korea 's nuclear weapons is at risk if Pyongyang continues on its current path .

  25. 韩国外交通商部长官柳明桓星期五在首尔对记者说,他同意美国官员的说法,那就是核查北韩提交的核清单一直是协议条款的一部分。

    South Korean Foreign Minister Yu Myung-hwan , speaking Friday to journalists in Seoul , agreed with U.S. officials that verifying North Korea 's declaration was always part of the deal .

  26. 美国国务卿克林顿跟韩国和日本外交部进行了接触。

    U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke with the foreign ministers from South Korea and Japan .

  27. 韩国外交与通商部长官柳明桓在就职后举行的首次记者会上对北韩核谈判的前景表示担忧。

    In his first media briefing since taking office , South Korean Foreign Minister Yu Myung-hwan expressed concern about the future of the North Korea nuclear talks .

  28. 韩国新任外交与通商部长官警告说,去除北韩核武器功能的会谈可能会因为北韩申报的有关问题没有解决而停滞。

    South Korea 's newly appointed foreign minister is warning talks aimed at ending North Korea 's nuclear weapons capabilities could stall over unresolved issues related to the North 's promised declaration .