
  • 网络Prime Minister of South Korea
  1. 安倍和韩国总理卢武铉已经同意会面。

    Mr Abe and President Roh Moo-Hyun have agreed to meet .

  2. 韩国总理韩升洙呼吁民众接受新的协议。

    Prime Minister Han Seung-soo urged the nation to accept the new deal .

  3. 韩国总理本星期表示,抗议活动会让投资者丧失信心,并且会损害韩国的贸易信誉。但是李锡行并不看重这些警告。

    South Korea 's prime minister said this week the protests are discouraging investment and damaging South Korea 's trade credibility .

  4. 9.11事件后东北亚安全形势与中韩合作安倍和韩国总理卢武铉已经同意会面。

    Northeast Asian Security Situation after September 11 and the China-ROK Cooperation Mr Abe and President Roh Moo-Hyun have agreed to meet .

  5. 韩国总理办公室表示,希望能查出盗取信息的人,并查明要为这起安全故障负责的人。

    The prime minister office says it wants to find out who got the information and who is blamed for the security failure .

  6. 其他参加不断扩大的博鳌峰会的世界领导人还有日本首相、韩国总理、西班牙首相和乌克兰总理。

    Other leaders who were at the enlarged Boao meeting included the prime ministers of Japan , South Korea , Spain and the Ukraine .

  7. 韩国总理办公室和政府其它机构说,即使雨水中含有少量幅射物,其含量也微乎其微,不至引发任何健康方面的关切。

    The South Korean prime minister 's office and other government agencies said , even if the rainfall has traces of radiation , the amount would be too small to raise any health concerns .

  8. 这名教育官员的言论起初由韩国日报《京乡新闻》(KyunghyangShinmun)于上周五报道,随之激发极大的公愤,导致韩国总理黄教安(HwangKyo-ahn)不得不在周二为这名官员的行为致歉。

    The education official 's remarks , first reported by the daily newspaper Kyunghyang Shinmun on Friday , stirred so much public outrage that Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn was compelled on Tuesday to apologize for the official 's behavior .