
zhènɡ zhì lì chǎnɡ
  • political stand
  1. 第二,在国际关系理论建构上坚持国家中心的政治立场。

    Secondly , insisting on state-centric political stand while constructing international relations theories .

  2. 新月社:自由与独立兼容并包的政治立场。

    The Crescent Society adopts the political stand of embracing both freedom and independence .

  3. 这出戏表明一种鲜明的政治立场。

    The play makes a strong political statement .

  4. 《焦点》杂志的政治立场可以称为中间偏右。

    The political slant at Focus can be described as centre-right

  5. 政治立场与查普曼对立的反对派活动人士巴拉诺娃(MariaBaranova)在几个小时后也向斯诺登示爱。

    On the flip side of the political spectrum , opposition activist Maria Baranova chimed in hours later with a similar offer .

  6. 中国网络设备供应商华为技术有限公司(HuaweiTechnologiesCo.)称,随着美国国家安全局(NationalSecurityAgency,简称:国安局)入侵部分科技产品遭到曝光,全球科技产业将面临按地域或政治立场出现分裂的风险。

    Chinese networking equipment firm Huawei Technologies Co. says there 's a risk that the global technology industry could splinter along geographic or political lines in the wake of revelations that the National Security Agency has targeted specific technology products .

  7. 但哈德逊研究所的外交政策分析师大卫赛特尔说:USAID的项目不带政治立场。

    But David Satter , a foreign policy analyst with the Hudson Institute , says USAID programs do not pick political sides .

  8. 哈佛大学(harvarduniversity)教授约瑟夫奈(josephnye)和小布什政府高级官员埃里克埃德尔曼(ericedelman)最近分别站在不同的政治立场上,有力地论述了美国相对任何潜在对手都仍握有巨大的优势。

    From different points on the political spectrum Professor Joseph Nye of Harvard University and Eric Edelman , a senior official in the Bush administration have both written * eloquently of late on the huge advantages the US still holds over any potential adversaries .

  9. 不同的研究范式对应着不同的政治立场。

    The different paradigms of study correspond to different political positions .

  10. 《老友记》的剧情让有着正确政治立场的千禧一代气愤不已……

    Friends storylines have irked a generation of politically correct millennials ...

  11. 如果他是想要表明一个什么政治立场。

    And if he 's trying to make a political statement .

  12. 《论语》杂志的政治立场。

    Secondly , the political facts of the magazine Lunyu .

  13. 他对于那个议题的政治立场是他自己的事。

    His politics on that issue is his own business .

  14. 还有些人选择隐居来表明自己的政治立场。

    Others choose a 19 ) reclusive lifestyle as a political statement .

  15. 但是我们也很聪明&我们会考虑他们的政策以及政治立场。

    But we 're being smart & we consider their policies and positions .

  16. 他的目标是帮助孩子成长,他的政治立场是平等主义。

    Its ideal was to help children grow and its politics were egalitarian .

  17. 那个组织里有不同政治立场的人。

    That organization embraces persons of differing political stands .

  18. 你的政治立场比我自由多了。

    Your politics are clearly more liberal than mine .

  19. 我跟你说,我并不同意他的政治立场。

    Just so you know , I don 't agree with his politics .

  20. 日据时期台湾基督教会的政治立场

    The Political Standpoint of Taiwan Presbyterian under Japanese Rule

  21. 他坚持僵硬的右派政治立场。

    He maintains a rigidly right-wing political stance .

  22. 坚持正确的政治立场、政治观点;

    The right political standpoint , political view and train their noble moral sentiment ;

  23. 这并不是说各个新闻组织都要持有鲜明的政治立场。

    This does not mean that all news organisations should take overtly political positions .

  24. 有些同学的政治立场是右翼的。

    Some of you are politically right wing .

  25. 提到施密特本人的政治立场,他会比较敏感。

    When it comes to his own politics , Mr Schmidt is more sensitive .

  26. 或是要表明什么政治立场。

    Or make some kind of political statement .

  27. 有些美国人问,这种极端的政治立场,是否会使美国变得难于治理。

    Some Americans are asking whether polarized politics has made the United States ungovernable .

  28. 他坚持他的政治立场。

    He stood pat on his political stand .

  29. 他的政治立场和我们相反。

    His political position is opposite to ours .

  30. 坚持党性原则,站稳政治立场;

    Adhere to the principle of the Party spirit and take a firm political stand ;