
zhènɡ shěn
  • 政治审查 examine political behaviour or record;political screening
政审 [zhèng shěn]
  • [political examination] 政治审查

  • 政审工作

  1. 如何办理出国政审代理手续?

    How to deal with go abroad formalities of politics careful representative ?

  2. 政审统计信息调查统计工作的内容和范围,在不同的历史时期应有不同的要求。

    For the contents and scopes of the political examination survey work , there should be different requirements in different historical periods .

  3. 基于上述最后一个任务,即组织基督力量对抗土耳其,教皇宣称要对所有教属物业政审固定税额。

    For this last purpose , namely , to organise the Christian forces against the Turks , the Popes claimed the right of levying a fixed tax on all ecclesiastical property .

  4. 从技术发展角度来看,特别是互联网技术的发展,安全技术的发展和软件理论的发展,实现数字化新兵政审调查统计是可能的。

    From a technical development point of view , especially the developments of Internet technology , security technology and software theories , it is possible to realize the digital survey and investigation of new recruits ' political examination .

  5. 随着全球信息化的迅猛发展,传统的新兵政审调查统计方式已经落后于信息化改革的要求,必将被全新的调查统计方式取代。

    With the rapid development of the global informationalization , the traditional methods of new recruits ' political examination survey has lagged behind the requirements of the informationalization reform , and must be replaced by new survey methods .

  6. 在安全方面,新兵政审调查统计系统采用基于资源角色的权限管理,增强了新兵政审调查统计系统运行的安全性。

    In terms of security , the new recruits ' political examination survey system adopts the rights management based on the resources and roles , thus enhancing security in the operation of the new recruits ' political examination survey system .

  7. 政审工作是我军的制胜法宝,是选出好兵、选出人才的根本保证,被外军誉为看不见摸不着的战斗力。

    The political examination work is a secret weapon of our military , and a fundamental guarantee for the selection of good soldiers and talents . It is also praised as " invisible and untouchable " power by the foreign militaries .