
  • 网络size of government;Government Size
  1. 构建适度政府规模的设想&基于社会福利函数的分析

    Thinking of constructing government size & analysis basing on social welfare function

  2. 我国存在最优政府规模曲线吗

    Does There Exist a Curve of Optimal Government Size

  3. 卡梅伦和财政大臣乔治奥斯本(GeorgeOsborne)展现出政治魄力,去解决公共财政问题、缩小政府规模,而克莱格也支持他们的做法。

    Mr Cameron and his chancellor George Osborne , supported by Mr Clegg , showed political courage to tackle the public finances and shrink the state .

  4. 政府规模增长成因研究四类理论假设

    Theory , Dilemma and Outlet of the Cause of Government Scale Expansion

  5. 政府规模的循环膨胀弊端,有其内在的深刻原因。

    There are profound reasons for the excessive expansion of government scale .

  6. 很快其政府规模将会比英国更小。

    It could soon have a smaller state than Britain .

  7. 政府规模适度化的评价标准

    The Evaluating Criteria of the Moderation of the Governmental Size

  8. 政府规模选择与政府成本和绩效

    The Selection of Government Scale Government Cost and Government Achievement

  9. 公共部门规模的判断标准及我国政府规模评价

    On the Standard of Judging and Value Public Organization Scale

  10. 简论政府规模扩张及其治理模式

    On Expansion of the Government 's Scale and Patterns of Administering It

  11. 控制县级政府规模的两个途径

    Two Measures to Control the Scales of County Governments

  12. 政府规模分析与调适

    On the Analysis and Adjustment of the Governmental Scale

  13. 由此提出控制政府规模的政策建议。

    We thus put forward policy proposals to control the size of government .

  14. 社会自组织能力的大小直接影响着地方政府规模。

    The capability of social organizations directly influences the scale of local government .

  15. 茶党运动希望限制政府规模,削减联邦支出,降低税收。

    The movement wants limited government , less federal spending and lower taxes .

  16. 新时期我国政府规模理念

    The New Principle of the Government Scale in China

  17. 对省级地方政府规模影响因素的定量研究

    The Quantitative Analysis on the Influence of Local Government Size at Province-level in China

  18. 制约政府规模的几个主要因素

    Study on Several Major Factors Restricting Government Size

  19. 政府规模视角下广东行政管理现代化进程分析

    Analysis on the Course of Guangdong 's Administrative Modernization from the Angle of Government Scale

  20. 不过,所有这三个问题,都是围绕政府规模的理念争论的一部分。

    All three are part of an ideological brawl about the size of government though .

  21. 政府规模与经济发展

    The Size of Government and Economic Development

  22. 如果说利益和观念整合是地方政府规模优化的非正式制度保障,那么通过正式制度的刚性约束则是地方政府规模优化的根本所在。

    Rigid constraints of formal institution are fundamental to optimization of scale of local government .

  23. 论政府规模理论的建构

    Constructing the theory of the governmental scale

  24. 政府规模优化的经济学分析

    Optimized Government Scale Based on Economics Analysis

  25. 第一章:组织整合与地方政府规模的理论审视。

    Chapter I : Theory review of organizational integration and the scale of local government .

  26. 政府规模是否适度,需要依据科学的标准去衡量。

    Whether the governmental size is moderate must be measured by means of scientific criteria .

  27. 聚块的大小;控制县级政府规模的两个途径

    The scales of ' clumps ' ; Two Measures to Control the Scales of County Governments

  28. 以人员工资与福利为主要构成部分的政府规模成本是政府成本中比例最大、刚性最强的一项成本支出。

    Staff and employees ' wage and welfare constitute the largest cost expenditure in government cost .

  29. 对政府规模的探索一直以来都是经济学界研究的热点之一。

    Exploration of the size of government has always been focus of economic and academic research .

  30. 政府规模过大或过小都不利于经济增长。

    The government size which is too large or too small is unfavorable to economic growth .