
yī liáo bǔ zhù
  • medical aid
  1. 在TOMCAT服务器上实现了B/S架构的昆明市优抚医疗补助信息管理系统。

    On the TOMCAT server , it implements the B / S structure of kunming information management system of medical aid .

  2. 根据政府医疗补助的居民受益归属结果,分析卫生公共支出是否起到了缩小社会贫富差距的作用,评价其受益的公平性;

    According to the results of benefit attribution came from Medical aid , this paper analyses whether public health expenditure reduces the gap between rich and poor , and estimates its equity ;

  3. 收入最低者过着只能勉强糊口的日子,没有医疗补助或其他福利。

    The worst-paid live a hand-to-mouth existence without medical or other benefits .

  4. 政府为公务员建立了医疗补助制度。

    The state has set up a medical subsidy program for civil servants .

  5. 由于我们限制医疗补助金,制药公司获得了数千亿美元。

    Drug companies have been given hundreds of billions of dollars as we limit Medicaid benefits .

  6. 众议院法案将授权卫生与公共服务部部长去协商医疗保险和医疗补助相关的药品价格。

    The House bill would authorize the secretary of health and human services to negotiate drug prices in Medicare and Medicaid .

  7. 当最高法院没有推翻《平价医疗法案》时,许多人感到宽慰,但人们并未充分理解这一决定对医疗补助的影响。

    In the relief that many felt when the Supreme Court did not overturn the Affordable Care Act , the implications of the decision for Medicaid were not fully appreciated .

  8. 奥巴马医改的目标——确保所有美国人都能获得医疗保健服务——遭到了阻止:有24个州没有实施扩大的医疗补助计划,而这是奥巴马医改本应向一些最贫穷的人兑现承诺的手段。

    Obamacare 's objective — to ensure that all Americans have access to health care — has been blocked : 24 states have not implemented the expanded Medicaid program , which was the means by which Obamacare was supposed to deliver on its promise to some of the poorest .

  9. 他说,目标包括提高联邦医疗保险计划(Medicare)和医疗补助计划(Medicaid)的可持续性发展能力。

    Among those goals would be making Medicare and Medicaid more sustainable , he said .

  10. 安进昨天表示,将正式请求政府医疗保险和公共医疗补助服务中心(CMS)彻底修改相关政策。

    Amgen said yesterday that it would formally ask the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services , or C.M.S. , to overturn that policy .

  11. 富国银行(WellsFargo)的分析师们表示,该公司也可能受益于医疗改革,因为改革将大大放宽医疗补助的参保符合条件。

    Wells Fargo analysts say the company is also likely to benefit from health reform , since it is set to substantially expand Medicaid eligibility .

  12. 医疗保险原计划的增长可能会缩减,然而作为GDP一部分,医疗补助计划的开支和政府为穷人制定的卫生保健计划到2050年可能会被缩减一半。

    The projected growth in Medicare would be crimped , while outlays on Medicaid , the government health-care scheme for the poor , would be halved as a share of GDP by 2050 .

  13. 对联邦医疗补助计划(medicaid)的资助将转变成给各州的批量拨款,估计会使资助金额缩水。

    Support for Medicaid would be turned into block grants to the States , which would presumably cut back on support .

  14. 据NPR新闻的朱莉·罗夫纳报道,获得保险的民众包括购买私人保险以及符合医疗补助计划申请资格的人。

    As NPR 's Julie Rovner explains that includes those who have signed up for private insurance and qualified for Medicaid .

  15. 沃尔玛是承受着政治压力的,它的薪资太低,以至于相当一部分员工要靠食物券和联邦医疗补助(Medicaid)过活。

    Walmart is under political pressure over wages so low that a substantial number of employees are on food stamps and Medicaid .

  16. 由于企业降低覆盖面以及工人转向医疗保险交易所或医疗补助,CMS的精算师假设只有200万人将会失去了雇主提供的保险。

    The actuaries at CMS assume that only 2m people who now have employer-sponsored insurance will lose it , as companies drop coverage and workers move to exchanges or to Medicaid .

  17. 瑞安计划还将减少(美国联邦)医疗补助计划(Medicaid)的资金,Medicaid是一个由联邦政府和州政府联合为穷人和残疾人提供的卫生保健程序。

    The Ryan plan would also reduce money for Medicaid , a joint federal and state health care program for the poor and disabled .

  18. 根据医疗保险和医疗补助服务(CMS)中心的精算师的预测,从2010年到2020年,医疗支出每年都将增加5.8%。

    Health spending will rise by 5.8 % each year from 2010 to the end of 2020 , according to actuaries at the Centres for Medicare and Medicaid Services ( CMS ) .

  19. 最高法院的确发现医改法案的一项内容违背了宪法。最高法院说,医改法案扩大了联邦-州医疗补助计划(Medicaid),这样做威胁到了各州现有的资金来源。

    The court did find one part of the law unconstitutional , saying its expansion of the federal-state Medicaid program threatened states ' existing funding .

  20. 我们发现了第三个自杀者rajallamba的医疗补助账单

    We found medicaid bills for rajal lamba - the third suicide .

  21. 一大问题是,奥巴马政府将在多大程度上寻求削减联邦医疗保险计划(Medicare)、联邦医疗补助计划(Medicaid)和社保,这些是开销最大的政府医疗及养老金福利方案。

    One big question is how far the Obama administration will go in seeking cuts to Medicare , Medicaid and Social Security – the most costly government health and pension schemes .

  22. Bach博士说,他是设在纽约的Sloan-Kettering纪念癌症中心的一名呼吸内科医生,同时也是医疗保险和医疗补助方面的前高级顾问。

    Peter B.Bach , a pulmonary physician at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York and a former senior adviser to Medicare and Medicaid .

  23. 对该群体的监察资料被用于IPD患者的鉴定,同时也连系到田纳西州医疗补助计划数据库中的SCD患者。

    Population-based surveillance data were used to identify individuals with IPD and were linked to patients with SCD in the Tennessee Medicaid database to determine incidence rates of IPD .

  24. 针对引发美国赤字的长期性因素(最为显而易见的是老年医保(Medicare)和医疗补助(Medicaid)项目,二者分别为老年人口和贫困人群提供医疗服务),预算没有提出新的计划。

    It contains no new plans to tackle long-term drivers of the US deficit , most notably Medicare , which covers medical treatment for the elderly , and Medicaid for the poor .

  25. 如果申请人是在把房产过户给孩子后的五年之内向医疗补助署(Medicaid)申请长期医保福利,医疗补助署会认为做出赠予行为是为了获取纳入医疗补助计划的资格。

    When an applicant gives away property within five years of applying for Medicaid coverage of long-term-care benefits , Medicaid presumes that the gift was made to qualify for Medicaid .

  26. 由于医改,美国人还面临着更高的税负:对薪水和投资征收新的联邦税,并开征附加州税,以涵盖医疗补助制度(medicaid)增加的成本。

    Americans also face higher taxes due to the same reform : new federal taxes on payrolls and investment , and additional state taxes to cover the increased cost of Medicaid .

  27. 为给这些人上保险,该法案将扩充联邦政府帮助穷人和伤残者的医疗补助计划(Medicaid),并给予家庭每年多达8.8万美元的医疗补助。

    To help people get covered , the legislation expands Medicaid , the federal-state health program for the poor , and gives subsidies to families making as much as $ 88,000 a year .

  28. 瑞安计划将最高一级个人所得税率从35%降至25%,大幅削减联邦医疗补助计划(medicaid)、食品券等面向低收入群体的转移支付计划支出。

    Mr Ryan would reduce the top rate of personal income tax from 35 per cent to 25 per cent and slash transfer programmes for the poor , such as Medicaid and food stamps .

  29. 据NPR新闻的妮娜·托滕伯格报道,虽然联邦资金不允许用于流产手术,但是一些共同的联邦医疗补助资金会支付给计划生育协会,为妇女提供节育等预防性的服务。

    NPR 's Nina Totenberg says although no federal funds are permitted for abortions , some joint federal state Medicaid money is paid to Planned Parenthood to provide women with preventive services , such as birth control .

  30. 通过面向老年人的医疗保险制度(medicare)和面向穷人的医疗补助制度(medicaid)等项目,医疗覆盖范围将会扩大,但已经占据了美国多数药品采购的公共部门的作用也会进一步加强。

    But increased medical cover , through programmes such as Medicare for the elderly and Medicaid for the poor , will further increase the role of the public sector , which already accounts for the majority of US drug purchases .