
  • 网络Reaganomics
  1. 其最新著作为《新美国经济:里根经济学的失败与新的前进之路》,将于今年10月由PalgraveMacmillan出版社出版

    His latest book is The New American Economy : The Failure of Reaganomics and a New Way Forward , to be published by Palgrave Macmillan in October

  2. 首先,即使现在的经济爆发之前,里根经济学就未能履行其承诺。

    First of all , even before the current crisis Reaganomics had failed to deliver what it promised .

  3. 增强企业活力摆脱停滞膨胀&论里根经济学

    Reinforce the Vitality of Enterprises and Get Rid of Stagnant Expansion & on Reagan Economics

  4. 人们都把里根的保守经济政策叫做“里根经济学”。

    Reagan 's conservative economic policy was known as ' Reaganomics . "