
  • 网络ribery;franck ribery;frank ribery
  1. 曼联和切尔西已经为拜仁的里贝里提出了报价。

    Manchester United and Chelsea have made offers for the Bayern Munich winger Franck Ribery .

  2. 拜仁一系列一流的球员,但皇冠上的宝石,仍然是法国人里贝里。

    Bayern have a whole array of class players but the jewel in the crown remains Frenchman Franck Ribery .

  3. 对于要签入大牌球星,比如德科或者里贝里,都是三心二意。

    Attempts to sign big names like Deco or Franck Ribery have been half-hearted .

  4. “里贝里?他对每个人都具吸引力,但他的身价似乎非常高。”

    " Ribery ? He appeals to everyone , but his price seems very high . "

  5. 佩雷斯在采访中被问到了皇马对拜仁边锋里贝里和利物浦中场阿隆索的兴趣。

    Perez was asked about Real 's interest in Bayern Munich winger Franck Ribery and Liverpool midfielder Xabi Alonso .

  6. 现在他在度假,我们希望下赛季和里贝里一起取得成功。

    He is on holiday now and then we want to have a successful season with Franck next year .

  7. 但我要提前告诉你,巴雷和里贝里夏天就要来到我们这里了。

    But I can tell you that Gareth Bale and Frank Ribery are on our list for the summer .

  8. 领导人在球场上是范博梅尔,里贝里与技能,让他来说话。

    The leader on the pitch is Mark van Bommel , with Franck Ribery letting his skills do the talking .

  9. 不过,如果说起这支队伍还有什么值得向大家做交代的话,那就是他们毕竟还拥有像里贝里,马卢达这样的锋线上天才,以及潜在的超级替补的亨利和其他人等。

    Still , there 's something to like about this squad , thanks to talented attackers like Franck Ribery , Florent Malouda , potential super-sub Henry and others .

  10. 盐罐和胡椒粉罐很快被定义为理查兹和里贝里用来讲解为何周二晚拜仁能够完胜曼城。

    The salt and pepper pots soon become Micah Richards and Franck Rib é ry in an exposition of why Bayern Munich beat Manchester City on Tuesday night .

  11. 对于年龄的限制无形中表明阿历克斯?弗格森爵士对弗兰克?里贝里的称赞并不意味着曼联会去追逐这名法国球员。

    The restrictions automatically mean that Sir Alex Ferguson 's admiration for Franck Rib é ry will not manifest itself in a concerted attempt to sign the France international .

  12. 左手边是最强的拉姆-里贝里的层面,但关键球员也将克洛泽,戈麦斯,不管是谁形式的中心回到配对。

    The left hand side is the strongest with the Lahm-Ribery dimension , but key players will also be Klose , Gomez , and whoever forms the centre-back pairing .

  13. 当然,光有勤奋还不足以保证你成为一名顶级巨星,宇佐美贵史的目标是要成为像里贝里和罗本这样的巨星。

    Industry , however , is not always enough to fashion a top-class career , and Usami is aiming to emulate flair players such as Franck Rib é ry and Arjen Robben .

  14. 把他们传统的节俭抛在一边,拜仁已经获得了法国的里贝里,意大利的托尼,土耳其的阿尔腾托普,阿根廷人索萨,还有德国人克罗泽,延森和施劳德拉夫。

    Throwing away their traditional frugality , Bayern acquired france 's Franck ribery , italy 's Luca toni , turkey 's Hamit altintop , Argentine Jose Ernesto Sosa along with Germans Miroslav klose , Marcell Jansen and Jan schlaudraff .