
  • 网络heinze;gabriel heinze
  1. 福格森爵士拒绝用缺少比赛来为海因策、尔韦斯特、密斯作托辞。

    Sir Alex refused to use the lack of recent action for the likes of Gabriel Heinze , Mikael Silvestre and Alan Smith as an excuse .

  2. 在皇马海因策回归的同时,奥萨苏纳将有七名球员无法参战。

    Osasuna will miss seven of their players , while the Whites have recovered Gabriel Heinze .

  3. 海因策的未来将在美洲杯之后决定。

    Heinze 's future will be decided after the Copa america .

  4. 托特纳姆正权衡引进曼切斯特联的后卫加布。海因策。

    Tottenham are weighing up a move for Manchester United defender Gaby heinze .

  5. 尤文图斯想要在这个夏天得到曼切斯特联后卫海因策。

    Juventus intend to splash out on Manchester United defender Gaby Heinze in the summer .

  6. 加布利埃尔.海因策4月初就可以随曼联一起训练。

    Gabriel Heinze could be back in training with Manchester United by the beginning of April .

  7. 曼彻斯特联队将非常乐意欢迎后卫加布里埃尔。海因策本赛季回到他们的首发阵容。

    Manchester United could very well welcome back Gabriel Heinze to their starting line-up this season .

  8. 尽管如此,海因策仍把他的精力都集中在绿茵场而不是这些问题。

    Heinze , though , is concentrating his thoughts on matters on-the-field , rather than off it .

  9. 加布里埃尔-海因策可能会在周五曼联客场挑战桑德兰的比赛中令人惊奇的复出。

    Gabriel Heinze could make a shock return to the United first-team for the Good Friday visit of Sunderland .

  10. “在美洲杯之后的假期中,我会知道下赛季的海因策身在何方。”

    " After that and a holiday , I will know better where I will play next season . "

  11. 他还有两年合约,我觉得我们已帮助了海因策许多。

    He still has two-years left on his contract and I think we have stood by Gaby very well .

  12. 心猿意马的边后卫加布里埃尔。海因策下周将在委员会上与曼联争论。

    Unsettled full-back Gabriel Heinze will take his dispute with Manchester United to a Premier League arbitration panel next week .

  13. 阿历克斯.福格森爵士担心加布里埃尔.海因策恐怕明年是打不了明年的德国世界杯了。

    Sir Alex Ferguson fears Gabriel Heinze will not be fit for next summer 's World Cup finals in Germany .

  14. 现在贝尼特斯即将完成又一次的重要转会,在此之前他对加布里尔·海因策的追逐已经取得明显的进展。

    Now Benitez is closing in on another significant transfer breakthrough after dramatic developments in his pursuit of Gabriel Heinze .

  15. “足球的挑战每时每刻都在进行,你不知道会发生什么。海因策会回来的,”他说。

    Football changes all the time and you don 't know what will happen-Gaby may come back , he says .

  16. 报导宣称海因策是希望转会去利物浦的,但更希望走时得到曼联的祝福。

    The paper claims Heinze is keen on a move to Liverpool , but would rather go with United 's blessing .

  17. 海因策想加盟利物浦,但是曼联那帮人阻挠他加入它们的这个主要对手。

    Heinze wants a move to Liverpool , but United have refused to allow him to join one of their main rivals .

  18. 海因策证实了他还是想要离开曼联。这名阿根廷人在周一回到队中训练时,与弗格森会面了。

    The Argentine met with manager Sir Alex Ferguson on Monday after he returned for pre-season training with the Premier League champions .

  19. 这名红魔主教练宣称海因策想在新赛季开始前转会。

    However , the Red Devils manager acknowledged that Heinze is hoping to secure a transfer before the start of the season .

  20. 西班牙冠军今晚宣布皇马已经同意将曼联后卫海因策带到伯纳乌。

    Real Madrid have agreed a deal to bring Manchester United defender Gabriel Heinze to the bernabeu , the Spanish champions announced tonight .

  21. 在转会市场拉法贝尼特斯非常活跃,并与曼联左后卫海因策的转会联系在了一起。

    Rafa Benitez has been very active in the transfer market and has been linked with a move for Manchester United left-back Gabriel Heinze .

  22. 海因策已被利物浦看中,而利物浦也已向曼联开价了,价钱相信是曼联所想要的。

    Heinze is wanted by rivals Liverpool and they have lodged a bid for his services , which is believed to have matched United 's valuation .

  23. 海因策去年9月在冠军杯和比利亚雷亚尔的比赛中伤了膝盖,他说自己欠福格森爵士一个人情。

    Gabby , who damaged knee ligaments in United 's Champions League draw with Villarreal back in September 2005 , says he has a debt of honour to Sir Alex .

  24. 由于法国同胞希尔维斯特的存在,埃弗拉经常被排除在首发之外,在海因策伤愈复出后,他首发机会又将有可能减少。

    Evra has often been kept out of the United side by French compatriot Mikael silvestre , while Gabriel heinze 's return to fitness could also limit his first team chances .

  25. 弗格森爵士保证如果超级联赛委员会认定曼联不必放海因策去利物浦的话也不会在余下的赛季里把海因策打入冷宫。

    Gabriel Heinze will not be alienated by the rest of the Manchester United squad if the Premier League 's inquiry prevents him joining Liverpool next weekend , Sir Alex Ferguson has promised .

  26. 虽然如此,曼联并没有兴趣让海因策加盟他们的死对头。但是,海因策已寻求法律顾问来希望能完成这项交易。

    However , United have no intention of letting Heinze join one of their title rivals-but the former Paris Saint Germain ace has sought legal advice to try and push through a move to Anfield .