
  • 网络aguero;Sergio Aguero;Sergio Agüero;Kun Aguero;Kun
  1. 周五马德里竞技宣布阿根廷前锋阿奎罗的离队违约金提高到5千万欧元(8.1千万美圆)。

    MADRID ( AFP ) - Atletico Madrid announced Friday they have increased the get-out clause for Argentinian striker Sergio Aguero to55 million euro ( 81 million dollars ) .

  2. 曼城前锋阿奎罗将阿根廷队更衣室的气氛描述为“我待过的最糟糕的”,南美媒体引述他的话报道称:“有几个球员根本没资格继续留在国家队里。”

    Manchester City forward Sergio Aguero described the mood in the Argentina dressing room as " the worst I 've ever been in , " and was quoted by South American media as saying : " There are several players who are evaluating not continuing with the national team . "

  3. 我只在一些特殊情况下才设置针对性战术,这样可以的手动设定防守对方AMC或者像阿奎罗那样的牛逼球员。

    I personally only use them in exceptional circumstances , they can be handy against an AMC and against the occasion exceptional player such as Augero .

  4. 在曼城决定不与这名前锋续约之后,阿奎罗宣布了这一消息。

    Aguero 's announcement came after City 's decision to not offer the striker a new contract .

  5. 现年32岁的阿奎罗自2011年从马德里竞技队加盟曼城以来,已为曼城队打进257球,创造了俱乐部纪录。

    The 32-year-old has a club-record 257 goals for City since joining from Atletico Madrid in 2011 .

  6. 由于上半场即被阿奎罗和弗兰分别攻入一球,贝尼特斯的队伍也遭到了季前热身赛的第三场失利。

    First-half goals from Kun Aguero and Diego Forlan condemned Benitez 's side to their third defeat of pre-season .

  7. 是的,我一直被拿来同这两名球员作比较,他们两人都是超级球星,我跟阿奎罗和梅西很相象。

    Yes , I always get compared to those two players , they are both great superstars but I am like them .

  8. 可是,阿奎罗不愿意去都灵,因为马拉多纳曾由于在那不勒斯踢过足球的缘故,每次他去到意大利都会卷入一堆问题之中。

    However , Aguero is reluctant to go to Turin because Maradona encounters major problems whenever he returns to Italy that are linked to events during his playing days with Napoli .