
  • 网络Palermo
  1. 帕勒莫前锋卡瓦尼承认渴望为尤文效力的野心。

    Palermo striker Edinson Cavani admits he has ambitions of playing for Juventus .

  2. 获得这样一个有利的结果太重要了,在帕勒莫没有打的情况下。

    Palermo are very strong on the counter-attack and we have to learn to play against that .

  3. 我们离帕勒莫仍然很远,但明天的比赛是非常重要的。

    Palermo are still far away , but tomorrow 's game is really important in this sense .

  4. 在帕勒莫那个晚上很不寻常,但联赛是另外一回事,我已经准备好了。

    That night in Palermo was unusual , but the league is a different thing . I am ready .

  5. 尤文图斯球探帕斯夸尔森西贝尔透露早在一月转会市场他就向斑马军团推荐了帕勒莫前锋埃迪森卡瓦尼。

    Juventus scout Pasquale sensibile has revealed he recommended Palermo striker Edison Cavani to the Bianconeri before the January market .

  6. 米兰也对阿毛里很感兴趣,但帕勒莫的谈判对象现在还只有尤文图斯。

    Milan are also interested in Amauri but at the moment , Palermo are only talking with Juventus over a move .

  7. 尤文图斯和帕勒莫更新了双方对于大卫德。兰扎法梅的所有权,而这名年轻球员下赛季将回到都灵城。

    Juventus and Palermo have renewed their co-ownership of Davide Lanzafame , although the young striker will return to Turin next season .

  8. 两家俱乐部(尤文与帕勒莫)之间似乎要达成一致了,但这位球员又给这桩转会增加了一些不确定性因素,因为他又向米兰和罗马示好。

    An agreement between the two clubs involved seems imminent , but the player has thrown the move into question by flirting with Milan and Roma .

  9. 世界杯冠军法比奥格罗索从帕勒莫永久转会国际米兰,今天早晨他首次造访了国际米兰总部。

    World Cup winner Fabio Grosso visited inter 's headquarters this morning for the first time after joining the club on a permanent deal from palermo .

  10. 周五早些时候,帕勒莫主席透露阿尔瓦雷斯已经被阿森纳签下了,看来这种言论正在得到印证。

    Earlier on Friday , Palermo president Maurizio Zamparini suggested Ricky Alvarez had already signed for Arsenal , and such claims now seem to be gaining momentum .

  11. 西西里岛人自赢得对帕勒莫的德比战之后,仅收获了一个平局和一场败仗,成为了意甲最无法预测的球队之一。

    The Sicilians have only managed a draw and a defeat since their heroic derby rout of Palermo and are one of Serie A 's most unpredictable outfits .

  12. 然而关于这名前帕勒莫前锋是否应该加入到马塞罗。里皮的队伍中的争议也持续升温,因为詹纳罗。加图索和卢卡。托尼此前表示不欢迎尤文前锋的加入。

    However , debate is raging over whether the former Palermo man would be welcome in Marcello Lippi 's squad with Gennaro Gattuso and Luca Toni openly opposing his inclusion .