
  • 网络Parkes;Parks;Pax
  1. 从越南收养、现年12岁的帕克斯(Pax);

    Pax , 12 , adopted in Vietnam ;

  2. 我们还没去越南,因为帕克斯有自己的计划。

    We owe Vietnam a visit , because Pax is due .

  3. 他在接受帕克斯医生的治疗。

    He 's under the care of Dr Parks .

  4. 帕克斯往往会跟他的拍摄对象产生感情纠葛。

    Parks has a tendency to become personally involved with his photographic subjects .

  5. 帕克斯就因这个行为进了监狱。

    Her simple act landed Parks in prison .

  6. 帕克斯说:"我唯一的厌倦,就是厌倦了屈服。

    " The only tired I was , was tired of giving in , " said Parks .

  7. 能力概念的多种含义及美国传播学者帕克斯(Parks)的三个功能性主题;

    The meanings of competence and three functional subjects of Professor Parks , American communication scholar ;

  8. 文中按照帕克斯-麦克莱伦算法设计方位向预处理的FIR滤波器,该滤波器能够跟踪方位向能量中心变化。

    The linear-phase FIR filter is designed by using the Parks-McClellan algorithm and can vary with the Doppler center .

  9. Spotify首席内容官肯·帕克斯(KenParks)指出,他对公司的前景感到乐观,事实上,版权谈判以往在其它国家也并不顺利,进展缓慢。

    Ken Parks , Spotify 's chief content officer , said he was optimistic about his company 's prospects , and noted that the negotiating process was slow wherever it went .

  10. 1955年12月1日傍晚,当巴士司机要求罗莎.帕克斯(RosaParks)让座时,她直视司机并回绝了这一要求。

    On the evening of December 1 , 1955 , when a bus driver told Rosa Park to hand over her seat , she looked him in the eye and she told him " No. "

  11. 汇丰银行(HSBC)英国股市策略师罗伯特•帕克斯(RobertParkes)表示:如果你正考虑竞争性资产的收入,那么即使考虑了有可能削减股息的因素,股票仍是价格低廉和具有吸引力的。

    Robert Parkes , UK equity strategist at HSBC , says : If you 're looking at income on competing assets , then equities are cheap and attractive , even accounting for likely dividend cuts .

  12. 纽约州帕克斯维尔的小约翰·J·卡萨伊(JohnJ.KassayJr.)说,他在中国清洁能源的投资损失了大约2万美元。他加入了内华达州那桩起诉任宝文及其公司的诉讼,为的是“让他们承担责任”。

    John J. Kassay Jr. of Parksville , N.Y. , said he lost about $ 20000 on his investment in Sino Clean and joined the lawsuit in Nevada against Mr. Ren and the company to " take them to task . "

  13. 罗莎-帕克斯告诉我们,我们总能有所作为。

    Rosa Parks tell us theres always something we can do .

  14. 几天后,罗莎-帕克斯对被捕提出异议。

    A few days later , Rosa Parks challenged her arrest .

  15. 罗莎-帕克斯独自一人的抵制行动引发了一场运动。

    Rosa Parkss singular act of disobedience launched a movement .

  16. 帕克斯从纽约刚到就被捕了。

    Parkes was arrested on her arrival from new york .

  17. 我的左边是托尼赫德,右边是阿里斯特斯帕克斯。

    On my left was Tony heard and on my right Allister sparks .

  18. 康纳:下午好,帕克斯小姐。

    Conner : Good afternoon , Miss Parkes .

  19. 帕克斯夫人曾时不时会到蒙哥马利,

    And Ms. Parks used to come back to Montgomery every now and then ,

  20. 帕克斯现在康复得不错,已经开始找工作了。

    Parks is now well enough that he has begun looking for a job .

  21. 后来,帕克斯先生去世,给她留下了很多钱财。

    Later on , Mr Parks died and left her a lot of money .

  22. 帕克斯女士的家族成员声称,他们已经于去年12月开始提出法律诉讼以保护其遗产。

    Parks'family members have said they started legal proceedings in December to protect her legacy .

  23. 官员表示,为了向帕克斯致敬,今天的庆祝活动推出了一款美国邮票。

    Officials say today 's ceremony are unveiling a US postage stamp in her honor .

  24. 我是伊丽莎白。帕克斯。

    This is Elizabeth parks calling .

  25. 他不能和我们去越南去见帕克斯因为他有工作在忙。

    He couldn 't go with us to Vietnam to get Pax because he was working .

  26. 市议院伯纳德帕克斯说:‘我们的社区急缺高质量的健康食品’。

    " Our communities have an extreme shortage of quality foods ," City Councilman Bernard Parks said .

  27. 当他们于1955年那个冬天的晚上再次相遇时,罗莎-帕克斯是不会任人摆布的。

    And when they met again that winter evening in 1955 , Rosa Parks would not be pushed .

  28. 确实,正如蒂姆帕克斯所写的那样:“美第奇家族在银行实务方面什么也没发明。”

    Indeed , as Tim parks has written : " the Medici invented nothing in banking practice . "

  29. 帕克斯说,美国第二季财报对于决定反弹是否会继续非常重要。

    Mr Parkes said the second-quarter US earnings season would be important in determining whether the rally continued .

  30. 当我还是个年轻律师的时候,我有幸见到了帕克斯夫人。

    I had the great privilege , when I was a young lawyer , of meeting Rosa Parks .