
  • 网络Pare;Paley;Paul Paray
  1. 但随着人们对农用杀虫剂的重新关注及远红外线扫描技术的提高,帕雷希望重操旧业。

    But with the renewed concern about pesticides on produce , and refinements in infrared scanning , Paley hopes to get back into operation .

  2. “这是一个大胆的举动,”休劳瑞承认在昨晚帕雷媒体活动中心,造成了极大的字符。

    " It is a bold move ," Hugh Laurie acknowledged at last night 's Paley Center for Media event , Creating Great Characters .

  3. 农民们抵制这项新技术,帕雷也很难找到长期的合作者。

    Farmers resisted the new technology and long-term backers were hard to find .

  4. 布鲁塞尔的一位叫韦萨里斯的外科医生和法国的一位外科医生帕雷都于16世纪研究了解剖学。

    A surgeon in Brussels called Andreas Vesalius and a French surgeon called Ambroise Pare both studied anatomy in the 16th century .

  5. 这一对情侣在哈佛上学期间相遇,随后相恋9年,今天在扎克伯格位于帕雷奥拓的家中结为夫妇。

    The couple , who met at Harvard and have been together for nine years , tied the knot in a small ceremony at Zuckerberg 's house in Palo Alto , Calif.