
  • 网络surgery;Operative surgery
  1. 外科手术学是联系基础医学和临床医学的重要桥梁,是一门实践性和技术性很强的学科;

    Operative surgery is a bridge which links preclinical medicine with clinical medicine , and possesses practical and technical nature .

  2. 设计性实验在外科手术学基础与动物外科教学中的应用

    Application of The designing experiment in foundational operative surgery and animal surgery

  3. 外科手术学基础与动物外科教学方法探讨

    On Teaching Methods of Fundamental Operations in Surgery and Animal Surgery

  4. 实验动物外科手术学个性化教学方法初探

    A Tentative Study on Individually Teaching Method for Laboratory Animal Surgery

  5. 外科手术学基本技能训练教学改革与实践

    Teaching reform and practice for basic clinic skill training of operative surgery

  6. 术者负责制在外科手术学实验教学中的应用

    The Application of Surgery Responsibility in Surgery Operation Experimental Teaching

  7. 论多媒体技术在家畜外科手术学教学中的作用

    On the Effect of Multimedia in Teaching Veterinary Surgical Operation

  8. 浅谈外科手术学教师的语言艺术

    Discussion of language art of the teachers for operative surgery

  9. 小组式学习在外科手术学教学中的效果探讨

    Effect of the group learning in operative surgery teaching

  10. 再谈外科手术学教学中突出两项基础技术的意义

    Significance of emphasizing aseptic technique and essential surgical technique in teaching operative surgery

  11. 现代外科手术学教学中的一些思考

    Thought in the teaching of modern surgery

  12. 多媒体技术作为医学教学的辅助手段,应用于外科手术学教学具有许多优点。

    As an auxiliary means of medical teaching , multimedia technology has various advantages when applied in the teaching of operative surgery .

  13. 目的:激发学生学习外科手术学的兴趣,提高学生观察、分析和解决问题的能力,探索外科手术学的教学方法。

    Objective : To inspire students'interests in surgery , to enhance students observing , analyzing and problem-solving abilities and to explore methods of surgical teaching .

  14. 结论:在外科手术学教学过程中,实施设计性实验是可行的,能提高教学效果,因此,在五年制临床医疗专业外科手术学的教学过程开设设计性实验是必要的。

    Conclusion : In the process of surgery teaching , the implementation of designing experiment is feasible and can improve teaching effect . So it is necessary to set up designing experiment in surgery teaching of clinical medical specialty five-year program .

  15. 外科动物手术学教学的体会

    Experience of Surgery Teaching in Animals

  16. 优化外科应用解剖与手术学的教学体会

    Optimize the teaching and learning of surgical applied anatomy and operative surgery

  17. 华佗精于外科手术,是外科学的鼻祖。

    His expertised in surgical operation earned him the title of Father of Chinese Surgery .