
wài yī
  • coat;jacket;outerwear;outer garment;outer clothing
外衣 [wài yī]
  • (1) [coat]

  • (2) 穿在外面的衣服

  • (3) 比喻用来粉饰自己的伪装

  • 恶意有时会被披上慈善的外衣

外衣[wài yī]
  1. 他把外衣搭在座椅背上。

    He draped his coat over the back of the chair .

  2. 你的外衣别蹭着还没有干的油漆。

    Don 't let your coat touch the wet paint .

  3. 你可以穿件高圆翻领衫配那件外衣。

    You can wear a polo neck with that jacket .

  4. 她进来后脱了外衣。

    She came in and took her coat off .

  5. 我的外衣被汽车门夹住了。

    I trapped my coat in the car door .

  6. 别站得离火那么近——你的外衣都快烤焦了!

    Don 't stand so near the fire ─ your coat is scorching !

  7. 他从门上取下外衣。

    He unhooked his coat from the door .

  8. 她把徽章别到外衣上。

    She pinned the badge onto her jacket .

  9. 他将一件外衣披在长袖套衫上。

    He slipped a coat over his sweatshirt .

  10. 刀子刺穿了他的外衣。

    The knife pierced through his coat .

  11. 有人把外衣丢在这儿了。

    Somebody 's left their coat here .

  12. 她穿了一件新外衣。

    She was wearing a new coat .

  13. 脱了外衣吧。

    Take your coat off .

  14. 她的外衣敞着。

    Her coat was open .

  15. 把外衣穿上。

    Put your coat on .

  16. 这件外衣我穿了好多年,我敢说它能穿一辈子。

    I 've had this coat for years , and I 'm sure it will see me out .

  17. 这种光线下你看不清楚,其实我的新外衣带棕色。

    You can 't see in this light , but my new coat is a sort of brownish colour .

  18. 我解开外衣,让他看那条皮带。

    I opened my coat and let him see the belt .

  19. 我快冻僵了。没有外衣,没有火把,浑身湿透了,筋疲力尽。

    I was perished . No jacket , no torch , wet through , exhausted .

  20. 他穿着一件有毛皮衬里的外衣。

    He was wearing a coat with a fur lining .

  21. 他穿上外衣出去了。

    He put on his coat and went out .

  22. 他的外衣被钉子划破了。

    His coat was torn on a nail .

  23. 他的外衣又旧又破。

    His coat was old and shabby .

  24. 积雪给田野盖上了一件白色的外衣。

    The snow covered up the fields with a white cloak .

  25. 那外衣的袖子稍短了些。

    The coat is a little short in the sleeves .

  26. 他的外衣上有些血斑。

    There is some caked blood on his coat .

  27. 毛皮外衣在冬天比在秋天更有用。

    A fur coat has more utility in winter than in autumn .

  28. 她给短外衣的袖口包皮边。

    She bound the cuffs of a jacket with leather .

  29. 爸爸取出一枚别针,将花别在她的外衣上。

    Dad took a pin and pinned the flower to her coat .

  30. 他有一件式样漂亮的外衣。

    He has a coat of good cut .