
  • 网络External clients;external customer
  1. Web服务是一种能够作为应用程序一部分部署在可访问的服务器上供内部和外部客户使用的对象。

    A Web Service is an object that can be deployed on an accessible server as part of an application for use by internal or external clients .

  2. 根据需要,可以实现粗粒度服务和细粒度服务的某种结合,通过调整Web服务网关中间件来向外部客户公开两种服务。

    Depending on requirements , you can go for some combination of coarse-grained and fine-grained services , exposing both to external clients by tuning your web service gateway middleware .

  3. 外部客户可以以低于Oracle的报价获得DB2Express支持许可。

    External customers can get a DB2 Express support license for less than what Oracle offers .

  4. 我们的配置信息是基于成功的集成配置的,不论是在IBM内部,还是在外部客户站点上,我们都进行过这种配置。

    Our configuration information is based on successful integration configurations that we have set up both internally within IBM and externally at customer sites .

  5. H公司从客户细分管理、服务营销组合和品牌营销三方面探讨和设计了H公司外部客户的服务营销。

    The enterprises have been probed and designed service market for exterior customer from three aspects , including customer segment management , service marketing combinations and brand marketing .

  6. COS的服务范围不仅局限于内部客户,而且服务范围扩大到外部客户。

    The service scope is not only to internal customers , but also to external customers .

  7. InformixDynamicServer提供一个ChangeDataCaptureAPI,外部客户机可以使用它从IDS服务器的逻辑日志捕捉高层联机事务数据。

    Informix Dynamic Server provides a Change Data Capture API that external clients can use to capture high level online transactional data from the logical logs of an IDS server .

  8. ISA可用于所有内部IBM用户和外部客户(请参阅参考资料部分获得下载链接)。

    ISA is available to all internal IBM users and external customers ( see the Resources section for a download link ) .

  9. 企业关注的重点由提高内部效率向尊重外部客户转移,这是CRM受到重视的根本原因。

    The reason why enterprises attach much importance to CRM is attention enterprises pay to turns from improving internal efficiency to respecting external customer .

  10. 您可以向导出提供SCA绑定,因为只有应用程序的其他模块(而不是外部客户机)才能调用它。

    You give the export an SCA binding because only other modules of your application will invoke it , not external clients .

  11. 客户关系管理(CRM)作为一种成熟的管理思想和管理技术,使企业的外部客户资源得以合理利用。

    CRM is a mature idea of management and managerial skill on purpose to rationally utilize external customer resource of enterprises in question . However .

  12. 所有内部IBM用户和外部客户都可以使用它,配合IBM的Java平台开发包(IBMSDK)来诊断问题。

    The Dump Analyzer is available to all internal IBM users and external customers to investigate problems using the IBM Developer Kit for the Java Platform ( IBM SDK ) .

  13. 下面的关系图详细说明了SCA组合、组件、外部客户机和数据源,并在所有这些部分之间进行连接,从而组合为应用程序。

    The diagram below details the SCA composites , components , external clients , and data sources and the wiring between them all that composes the application .

  14. 与许多大公司类似,HITC由许多为适应向内部客户和外部客户提供服务而设立的单独的业务部门(lineofbusiness,LOB)组成。

    Like many large companies , HITC is comprised of many individual lines of business ( LOBs ) that are geared to serve both external and internal customers .

  15. 订单处理应用程序(OrderProcessing)从外部客户接收订单信息。

    The order processing application ( OrderProcessing ) receives order information from an external client .

  16. 而导出将允许外部客户机将订单信息发送到ProcessOrder组件。

    The export will allow an external client to send the order information to the ProcessOrder component .

  17. Beck在“定标XP”一章中提到这个问题,但他并没有讨论如何处理一些您无法与外部客户直接相互作用的问题。

    Beck touches upon this issue in a chapter entitled " Scaling XP ," but he doesn 't discuss how to approach instances in which you cannot interact directly with external clients .

  18. 组织可以创建一种格式的文档,然后使用Calibre来快速地将其转换成其他格式,从而使这些文档既便携又方便内部用户和外部客户使用。

    Organizations can create documents in one format and use Calibre to quickly convert them to other formats , making those documents portable and easy for both internal users and customers to use .

  19. 外部客户感知服务质量研究主要采用RATER指数模型和调查问卷方法进行研究,发现了客户最关心的反应度指数的客户评价最差。

    External customer perception of service quality study used RATER index model and the questionnaire method , and found that customers are most concerned about the reaction index of the worst customer evaluation .

  20. 业务管理模型的资源子代理通过进度计划,能自觉请求检索新度量和计算SLA参数,无需外部客户触发,使模型的SLA监视和管理功能自动地执行,有效地降低了系统开销。

    Through the schedules of the service management model , a resource subagent retrieves autonomously metric values from managed resources and calculates SLA parameters without being triggered by an external client The model can executed automatically the monitor and management functionality of SLA and thus reduces the overhead significantly .

  21. 通过建立针对MBOSS外部客户的统一认证中心,一方面整合现有的各种认证体系,统一为渠道接触系统提供认证服务。

    By establishing unified authentication center of MBOSS external customers and integrating various kinds of existing certification system , China Telecom provides certification services for contacting systems .

  22. 诸如Litmusapp这样的服务可以集成到您的测试和开发流程中,提供版本化支持和方法,向外部客户机发布测试结果。

    Some services , like Litmusapp , can integrate with your testing and development workflows , offering versioning support and ways to publish test results to external clients .

  23. 其外部客户主要是中国的中小型企业。

    Its external customers are mostly small and medium Chinese companies .

  24. 外部客户会带来新想法,并会缴纳佣金&这可用来购置设备和聘请人工。

    They bring new ideas and fees pay for infrastructure and staff .

  25. 考虑一下某个项目对内部和外部客户的影响。

    Consider the impact of a project on internal and external customers .

  26. 保持与内部组织及外部客户的良好沟通。

    Good interpersonal skill within internal organization and with customers .

  27. 向内部与外部客户提供资金管理商品建议及训练。

    Provide Treasury product advisory and trainings to internal and external customers .

  28. 他们往往是看门内部办公活动和外部客户。

    They are often the gatekeepers for intra-office activities and external clients .

  29. 如果销售部门独立于其他部门,就不可能满足外部客户的期望。

    Sales cannot fly solo and expect to service the expectations of external customers .

  30. 加强内部和外部客户之间的合作,提供优秀的客户支持和服务;

    Enhance cooperation between internal and external customers , provide excellent customer support and service .