
  1. 中国的外汇储备量全球第一遥遥领先。

    China 's reserves are by far the largest in the world .

  2. 应从政治经济两方面考察外汇储备量

    We Should View China 's Foreign Exchange Reserves from Both Political and Economical Aspects

  3. 至2009年,我国外汇储备量已达到23992亿美元,居于世界首位。

    Until 2009 , our foreign exchange reserves had reached 2.3992 trillion US dollars , the largest in the world .

  4. 随着世界各国外汇储备量的增长,各国越来越重视对外汇储备的积极管理。

    With growing of the foreign exchange reserves , countries are increasing paying attention to active management of foreign exchange reserves .

  5. 随着我国经济的发展,经济全球化步伐的逐步加快,我国外汇储备量在快速增长,外资企业外债规模也在逐年增大。

    Along with the economic development in our country and the successive steps of economic globalization , our foreign exchange reserves vigorously increase , the external debts scale of foreign-funded enterprises have been extending year after year .

  6. 特别是2002年以来,持续盈余的国际收支状况,一方面促使外汇储备量迅速积累,人民币升值压力增大;另一方面导致国内货币供给量增长迅速,经济过热迹象显现。

    Especially after 2002 , steady surplus of international payment not only causes the fast accumulation of foreign reserves , which increases the pressure on RMB appreciation ; but also leads to the rapid growth of domestic money supply , causing over-heated economy .

  7. 经济实力的另一个衡量角度是外汇储备持有量。

    A different dimension of economic power is holdings of foreign exchange reserves .

  8. 在结果分析和政策建议里,本文对影响外汇储备适度量的因素给出政策建议。

    In the result and policy analyse , the paper provides pieces of advise for influence factors of moderation foreign exchange reserve .

  9. 结果表明,我国外汇储备实际持有量向需求量进行调整的速度为0.4037,即外汇储备需求量与年初持有量之间的缺口有40.37%的部分在年度内得到调整。

    Results show that the adjustable speed is 0.403 7 , which means that a gap of 40.37 % between the actual scale and the desired scale should be adjusted within one year .

  10. 外汇储备、外汇交易量与CHIBOR利率的VAR模型(2000~2004)&兼论三元悖论下冲销干预与货币政策的独立性

    A VAR Model of Foreign Exchange Reserve , Foreign Exchange Trading Volume and CHIBOR : 2002 ~ 2004

  11. 我国外汇储备与货币供给量的关系研究

    The Analysis of Foreign Exchange Reserve and Money Supply

  12. 他对议会的一个委员会表示:对于加大外汇储备中的黄金量,我们必须给予仔细考虑。

    We need to give careful consideration to the matter of increasing gold volumes in the foreign reserves , he told a parliamentary committee .

  13. 实证结果表明,外汇储备对货币供应量有直接显著的正向关系,并通过资产价格机制间接影响货币供应量。

    The empirical results show that foreign reserve has significant positive effects on the money supply and indirect effects on money supply through asset price mechanism .

  14. 我国的物价指数与外汇储备、货币供给量存在长期稳定的均衡关系,外汇储备是物价指数的格兰杰原因。

    The price index , foreign exchange reserves and money supply have long-term stable equilibrium relationship . The foreign exchange reserve is Granger cause of inflation .

  15. 实证分析表明:外汇储备对货币供应量有着显著的正向关系,外汇储备在促进经济增长的同时,输入了通货膨胀并带来了人民币升值的压力。

    Moreover , as empirical analysis shows , foreign exchange reserves have a significant positive relationship with money supply . However , when promoting economic growth , reserves also result in inflation and the appreciation of RMB .

  16. 对我国的外汇储备情况进行的实证分析,表明本文提出的方法对我国外汇储备实际持有量的选择是有参考价值的。

    The empirical test of China indicates the model is an reference to the decision-making of actual-optimal foreign reserves .