
  • 网络credit rating
  1. 世界主要信誉评级机构之一,惠誉国际评级公司(FitchRatings)周五将希腊等级下调,主要是担忧政府难以偿还700亿美元的债务。

    Fitch Ratings , one of the world 's major credit rating agencies , downgraded Greece 's status Friday due to concerns that the government will not be able to pay back $ 70 billion in debt .

  2. 电信企业信誉评级体系:内涵、意义及构建

    The credit rating system for telecom enterprises : connotation , significance and construction

  3. “鲍伊债券”最初被信誉评级机构穆迪(Moody's)评为A3级,后来降为Baa3级,仅高于垃圾级。

    Originally rated A3 by Moody 's Investors Service , Bowie bonds were later downgraded to Baa3 , just above junk status .

  4. 那些给CDO的评级高得如此荒谬的信誉评级机构,尽管不在阿巴卡斯诉案里同列为被告,也应当坐立不安了。

    The rating agencies that gave CDOs such absurdly high ratings , though not named in the ABACUS case , should also worry .

  5. 美国的确失去了3A信誉评级,但正如标准普尔的约翰。钱伯斯所说,美元依旧是“任何合理情况下都很重要的国际储备货币”。

    Americamay have lost its triple-A rating , but the dollars it issues will " remain the key international reserve currency under any plausible scenario ," says John Chambers of Standard & Poor 's.

  6. 尽管两大政治党派之间存在严重分歧,全球信誉评级机构Fitch却认为美国拖欠债务的可能性“非常低”。穆迪投资者服务公司美国政府债务问题高级分析人员SteveHess表示,只有政府的“严重误算”才会导致债务拖欠。

    While there are deep divisions between the two political parties , the global credit-rating agency Fitch says the likelihood of a default is " extremely low . " The top analyst on U.S. government debt at Moody 's Investor Service , Steve Hess , says only an " astonishing miscalculation " by the government would lead to default .

  7. 虚弱的福特也在苦苦挣扎,他的股票最近才重新获得投资信誉评级。

    A weakened Ford struggled , too , only recently regaining investment-grade rating for its securities .

  8. 主要的信誉评级机构表示,他们正在重审美国政府的债务状况,可能会将美国债务评级降低。

    The main credit rating agencies say they are reviewing the U.S.government debt situation for a potential downgrade .

  9. 例如,上周五,三大主要的信誉评级机构中的一家降低了美国长期国债的评级。

    For example , last Friday , one of the three major credit rating agencies downgraded long-term United States government debt .

  10. 现今的抵押贷款放贷人、学生贷款放贷人、发薪日贷款放贷人、信誉评级机构和讨债机构都会面临更加严格的审查。

    today , mortgage lenders , student lenders , payday lenders , and credit reporting and debt collection agencies all face greater scrutiny .

  11. 你还会从产品的其他部分看见稳定性评级的内容,比如文件分析,以及新的信誉评级结果。

    You will also see the new Stability Ratings in other parts of the product , such as Norton Insight , File Insight , and in the Reputation Scan results .

  12. 他提醒国会成员,2011年与债务上限斗争到最后一分钟已经严重损害了经济,而且降低了美国的信誉评级。

    He reminded them that a last-minute fight over the debt celling issue in 2011 caused significant harm to the economy and the downgrade to the credit rating of the United States .

  13. 因为没有领导,消费者金融保护局就无法全力保护消费者不受针对退伍军人和老人的阴险的抵押放贷人或草率的信誉评级机构或掠夺性放贷人的损害。

    because without a director , the CFPB couldn 't use all the tools at its disposal to protect consumers from shady mortgage lenders , or unscrupulous credit reporting agencies , or predatory lenders who targeted veterans and seniors .

  14. 现在,信誉评级公司已经威胁将美国国债的信誉等级降低,这对持有7000亿美国国债的欧洲国家和银行来说是很坏的消息,以英格兰银行为首,其次是瑞士和法国。

    Already rating agencies are threatening a of U.S. debt , bad news for European countries and banks that hold more than $ 700 billion in U.S. treasuries with the Bank of England leading the way , followed by Switzerland and France .