
  • 网络Credit intermediary;credit intermediation;credit agency
  1. 信用中介机构法律问题研究

    Research on the Legal Problems of Credit Intermediary Mechanism

  2. 发展我国信用中介机构的研究

    Study on Developing Credit Intermediary Organization in China

  3. 信用中介组织发展滞后;

    The development of credit agency organizations is lagged ;

  4. 信用中介服务机构发展中的问题与对策

    China 's Credit Agencies : Problems & Solutions

  5. 第四,政府要积极促进信用中介服务业的发展;

    Moreover , it must play an active role in developing intermediary credit services .

  6. 笔者认为政府对信用中介机构的发展主要应发挥以下三个方面的作用:建立信用政府的示范作用;

    Three aspects mainly : First , setting an example of credit government to CIMs ;

  7. 因此,以银行为主要信用中介的间接融资仍将长期占据主导地位。

    Therefore , the bank-dominated indirect financing will take the leading part for a long time .

  8. 在分析发达国家影子银行体系时,本文主要研究了影子银行信用中介过程、基于此中介过程的影子银行监管原因分析、影子银行的监测和监管。

    It analyzes the credit intermediation and the regulation of shadow banking in the developed countries .

  9. 随着资本市场的发展,银行信用中介作用弱化,银行批发业务市场逐渐缩小,竞争加剧,收益率降低,零售银行业务成为很多商业银行的主导产品和重要收益来源。

    With the development of capital market , the intermediary role of credit played by banking is being decreased .

  10. 信用中介机构是关键,建立面向全社会的“中国信用信息大平台”,使每个经济活动单元和个人都有自己的“信用通行证”;

    Credit agency organization is key ; every economy activity cell and everyone have their credit pass by establishing whole society China credit information system ;

  11. 仓单质押贷款区别与其他贷款业务的关键在于,发贷银行和贷款企业之间存在仓储公司作为双方的信用中介。

    The key point differentiating Warehouse list loan from else loan mortgage is store corporation as credit intermediary between bank of loaner and company of borrower .

  12. 巴塞尔委员会反复强调,《新资本协议》较为全面地反映了商业银行在信用中介服务市场化程度日益提高的情况下面临的各种风险,因而确保该协议的有效实施意义重大。

    The Committee reiterates the importance of implementing the Basel II Framework as it better reflects the types of risks banks face in an increasingly market-based credit intermediation process .

  13. 商业银行作为经营货币这一特殊商品的企业,具有信用中介、支付中介、信用创造和金融服务等四大基本职能。

    Commercial banks as a special commodity business of carrying on money , credit intermediaries , to pay an intermediary , credit creation and financial services to the four basic functions .

  14. 现实中的网络第三方支付主要依靠独立与非独立第三方支付两种模式,为网上支付提供支付网关或信用中介。

    The online Third-party payment of real independence is rely mainly on two models of Independence and non-independent Third-party payment modes , providing payment gateway for online payment or credit intermediary .

  15. 三是改革商业银行的经营理念,即改革市场营销观念,成立信用中介管理公司,提供必要的法律咨询。

    The third is to reform operating ideas of commercial banks , that is , to reform marketing concepts , set up credit intermediate management companies to provide the necessary legal advice .

  16. 影子银行体系的信用中介功能对传统的货币供给量模型起到修正作用,经修正的货币供给量模型表明影子银行体系的存在直接增加了货币供给量,在一定程度上影响了货币政策的效果。

    Credit intermediary function of shadow banking system has a correcting effect on the traditional money supply model , increasing the money supply and to a certain extent , affecting the effect of monetary policy .

  17. 在美国,影子银行是指游离于传统商业银行体系以外的,从事与银行相类似的信用中介活动,但却不受监管或几乎不受监管的金融实体。

    In the United State , Shadow banking refers to the financial entities that pursue credit intermediation like banking but is outside of the scope of the commercial banks and is unregulated or hardly regulated .

  18. 而个人信用中介机构在建立之后面临建立个人征信数据库、完善个人信用评估机制与征信数据库的网络化三大重要任务;

    After the credit information report agencies have already constructed , they will face three sturdy important responsibilities which are to construct personal credit consulting data-base , to perfect personal credit-grading mechanism and the data-base 's net-work .

  19. 再次,要从法律法规的健全、利率市场化的进程、信用中介组织的建立与农村征信系统建设等诸多方面努力,营造有利于农村非正规金融健康发展的大环境。

    Thirdly , in the aspects of creation environment of irregular finance development in rural area , we should make every effort to amplify rules and regulations , the processing of marketization of the interest rate and establishing credit intermediary .

  20. 第一章首先就信用中介机构的概念进行了界定,认为信用中介机构是指从事个人、企业、国家信用信息的征集、加工、整理,作出信用评估或信用评级报告的公司。

    Chapter 1 : First , I make a definition of Credit Intermediary Mechanism ( CIM ) as companies which are engaged in collecting , processing , arranging credit information of individuals 、 enterprises 、 states , and make credit rating reports .

  21. 并依据公共行政学原理分析食品市场主体(食品经营者、食品消费者、政府、信用中介机构等)在食品经营市场主体信用监管体系中的地位和作用。

    And the status and role of food markets players ( food proprietor , food consumers , the Government , the credit intermediary institutions , etc. ) in the system of food proprietor credit supervision is analyzed according to the theory of Public Administration .

  22. 本文从我国信用中介发展的现状和存在的一些突出问题出发,具体地分析了制约我国信用中介发展的若干因素,并就现阶段发展我国信用中介机构给出了一些对策建议。

    Based on the current status and some prominent issues of credit intermediary organization , this paper analyses some constraint factors in the development of credit intermediary organization in detail , and proposes some advices on how to develop present credit intermediary organization in our country .

  23. 基于网络的信用信息中介服务是我国信用体系的重要组成部分。

    The network-based intermediary services of credit information are important component parts of the national credit system of China .

  24. 同时还必须加强信用评级中介机构建设,对比国外的一些著名信用中介机构,他们通常具有自己的特色。能够为不同的企业,不同的融资方式提供合适的信用服务产品。

    Secondly , it must strengthen credit rating intermediaries , compared to some foreign famous credit agency . They usually have their own credit products for different companies , different modes of financing .

  25. 市场中介是介于政府与社会、政府与企业、企业与企业之间的独立的特殊社会经济组织。信用是市场中介的基石。

    The market intermediate is a self-governed special social economic organization and its foundation is credit .

  26. 承租人须付给出租人租赁免费的10%(10%)的票面价值为备用信用证支付中介机构。

    Lessee shall pay to the Lessor the Lease Free of10 % ( Ten Percent ) of the face value to the Standby Letter of Credit will be paid to Intermediaries .

  27. 以信用担保为中介,引导社会资金特别是银行信贷向三农倾斜,对加快三农经济发展意义重大。

    To credit guarantee as the intermediary , and guide social capital in particular , bank credit to the three rural tilt to accelerate economic development in the three rural issues of great significance .

  28. 信息档案建设的中心问题是必须增强全民信用意识、中介组织运作,实现信用法治,提高信息技术水平。

    The focal question in building information files is to strengthen the credit consciousness for all the people , use of the mediated organizations , credit in law , the level of the information technology .

  29. 保险供给方信用、保险需求方信用、保险中介方信用、保险监管方信用形成了保险信用链,是保险信用体系的重要构成。

    Insurance supply credit , Insurance demand credit , Insurance intermediary credit , Insurance regulation credit consist of " the chain of insurance credit ", which is a important component of the social credit system .

  30. 同时,商业银行的功能也发生了转变,从原来的信用和支付中介为主,转变到以全面的金融服务、风险管理为主,还起到了引导经济快速发展的作用。

    At the same time , the main function of commercial banks has changed from the credit and payment intermediaries to a full range of financial services and risk management , also played a role to guide the rapid economic development .