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xìn fèng
  • believe in;embrace;faith in;profess
信奉 [xìn fèng]
  • [believe in;profess;faith in] 信仰;敬奉

  • 信奉基督教

信奉[xìn fèng]
  1. 基督教徒信奉上帝和耶稣。

    Christians believe in God and jesus .

  2. 重农学派和斯密都信奉自然秩序。

    Heavy agronomy clique and Si Mi order of believe in nature .

  3. 那就是我所信奉的人生哲学。

    That 's a philosophy I could live by .

  4. 他因为信奉异端思想而以火刑处死。

    He was burned at the stake for heresy .

  5. 这里的人大多数都信奉新教。

    The majority of the population is Protestant .

  6. 不幸的是仍有人信奉种族歧视。

    Unfortunately racism is not yet dead .

  7. 这届政府坚决信奉女性应享有更大的权力。

    This government believes very strongly in the empowerment of women .

  8. 他是在一个信奉传统犹太教的家庭长大的。

    He was brought up in a family which practised traditional Judaism .

  9. 他信奉无神论就像信仰一种新的宗教。

    He believes in atheism as though it were a new religion .

  10. 因为信奉拉斯塔法里教,他拒绝剪去头发。

    He refused to cut his hair due to his Rastafarian beliefs .

  11. 信奉需要对子女严立规矩的老派父母

    traditional parents , who believed in laying down the law for their children .

  12. 他是个不折不扣、传统守旧的弗洛伊德学说信奉者。

    He was a strict , old-school Freudian .

  13. 他信奉上帝。

    He believes in God

  14. 你在一个信奉不可知论的家庭里长大,一直都无法信仰上帝。

    You grew up in an agnostic household and have never been able to bring yourself to believe in God .

  15. 信奉英国宗教的教士,凡有断弦的不应再娶,若是再娶就是违律。

    It was unlawful for a priest of the Church of england , after the death of his first wife , to take a second .

  16. “我最近听说过这样的事情,信奉开放数据和代码的想法让传统学者们很不舒服,”拉姆说道。

    I 've heard this recently - that embracing the idea of open data and code makes traditional academics uncomfortable , says Ram .

  17. 数据学家卡西克·拉姆认为,在有些情况下,资深的同事——他们中很多都是选拔和晋升委员会的负责人能嘲讽他们认为是浪费精力的事情时,初级研究员也就很难信奉开放精神了。

    In some cases , says data scientist Karthik Ram , it may be difficult for junior researchers to embrace openness when senior colleagues — many of whom head selection and promotion committees — might ridicule what they may view as misplaced energies .

  18. 所以他们信奉的是,他们的孩子必须要岀类拔萃,在学术背景上打败白人同学,这样他们才会有同等的机会在以后胜出。

    So what they believe is that their children must excel and beat their white peers in academic settings so they have the same chances to excel later .

  19. 中国人信奉儒教,讲顺从孝顺

    The Chinese Augustinian teach , speaking the amenability filial piety .

  20. 那传教士在损害他所热烈信奉的宗教

    The preacher is disserveing the very religion in which he ardently believe .

  21. 他信奉罗素的哲学。

    He believed in the philosophy of Russell .

  22. 司法部(DepartmentofJustice)对他表示支持,她赢得了信奉自己宗教的权利。

    The Department of Justice stood behind her , and she won her right to practice her faith .

  23. “思考”是IBM所信奉最早的箴言,它在这里仍然具有无比强大的功能。

    " Think " is IBM 's oldest motto , and it is still a very powerful one .

  24. 他获得了巨大的回报,但这不是一个信奉facebook理念的人应有的举动。

    He has earned a huge return but this is not the action of a Facebook believer .

  25. 穆斯克还表示怀念通用汽车公司(GeneralMotors)现已退休的高管鲍勃?卢兹,正是他经常贬低油电混动车,叫它们“蠢东西”&后来马斯克也开始信奉这种观点。

    Musk is reminiscent of General Motors ( GM ) executive Bob Lutz , now retired , who regularly dismissed gas-electric hybrids as " dumb " & until he became an apostle .

  26. 一种信奉冥想的佛教方式&正念(mindfulness),正开始在快节奏的金融家中流行。

    Fast-paced financiers are turning to mindfulness , an ancient Buddhist idea that embraces meditation .

  27. 不过,同样没有人信奉凯恩斯著名的学术对手米尔顿•弗里德曼(MiltonFriedman)提出的货币供应量目标政策。

    But nobody believes in the monetary targeting proposed by his celebrated intellectual adversary , Milton Friedman , either .

  28. 法国总统尼古拉萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)殷切期盼欧洲央行采取行动,这反映出法国信奉由政府牵头的经济行动主义。

    Nicolas Sarkozy , French president , was keen for ECB action , reflecting his country 's faith in government-led economic activism .

  29. 他们习惯了在Facebook和Twitter等社交媒体平台上实时记录他们的生活,因此也将他们信奉的自我表露原则一同带入了职场。

    Accustomed to documenting their lives in real time on social-media forums like Facebook and Twitter , they are bringing their embrace of self-disclosure into the office with them .

  30. 每年来此游览的各国游客络绎不绝。BaliHindutempleinthewoodenstatue-巴厘岛印度教神庙中的木刻雕像巴厘岛因历史上受印度文化宗教的影响,居民大都信奉印度教,是印尼唯一信仰印度教的地方。

    Bali because of the history of India , cultural and religious implications , the residents mostly Hindu , Indonesia is the only local Hindu beliefs .