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zhì yǒu
  • intimate friend;bosom friend;alter ego
挚友 [zhì yǒu]
  • [intimate friend] 交情深厚的朋友

  • 对他们的批评意见颇为信赖的几个挚友

挚友[zhì yǒu]
  1. 我愿做她的挚友良朋。

    I 'd like to be her intimate friend and good companion .

  2. 我愿做她的挚友良朋。所以,朋友是一剂良药。

    I 'd like to be her intimate friend and good companion . So friends can be good medicine .

  3. 卡姆教授是她的一位挚友。

    Professor Camm was a great friend of hers

  4. CHARLOTTE'SWEB《夏洛的网》这个广为流传的故事发生在一个农场,讲述了一只名叫威尔伯的小猪和他的挚友夏洛的故事。蜘蛛夏洛通过在自己织的网里写出威尔伯的故事,成功地拯救了威尔伯的生命。

    The widely read tale takes place on a farm and concerns a pig named Wilbur and his devoted friend Charlotte , the spider who manages to save his life by writing about him in her web .

  5. CF不但是身份、地位的象征,而且也被誉为能够伴你一生永不落伍的时尚挚友。

    CF is not only the symbol of status , but also known as your fashion friend never outofdate .

  6. 他将此书的西班牙语版赠送给了他的挚友&委内瑞拉总统查韦斯(HugoChávez)。

    He presented a copy of the book in its Spanish edition to his compadre President Hugo Ch á vez of Venezuela .

  7. 我们尤其要感谢挚友NgTeeKhiang的友情和精神上的支持。

    We would like to acknowledge our great friend , Ng Tee Khiang for his unconditional friendship and moral support .

  8. 泰勒·斯威夫特(TaylorSwift)和阿比盖尔·安德森(AbigailAnderson)是多年挚友,泰勒的单曲《Fifteen》就续写了两人的友谊。

    Taylor Swift and Abigail Anderson have been best friends for years - just listen to Taylor 's hit " Fifteen " if you need a history lesson in their friendship .

  9. 最后,我要感谢我的美丽的挚友FranciaRaisa,任何文字都不能完全表达我对她的感激。

    And finally , there aren 't words to describe how I can possibly thank my beautiful friend FranciaRaisa .

  10. 如果你喜欢某人的话,可以用BFF(永恒挚友)来表达。

    When you 're surprised you can write OMG ( Oh my God ) and if you really like someone , BFF ( best friend forever ) is the expression for you .

  11. 向往幸福的人需要品德高尚的挚友。

    Those who are eager for happiness need noble close friends .

  12. 她的挚友,凯瑟琳·麦考密克也随后辞世,享年92岁。

    Her angel , Katharine McCormick , would die next at92 .

  13. 他担任一位挚友女儿的教父。

    He stood godfather to the daughter of a close friend .

  14. 请怜悯我吧,挚友,我向你担保

    Pity me then , dear friend , and I assure ye

  15. 但每个阵亡的都是至亲与挚友

    but each felled is a friend , or dearest blood .

  16. 我们希望气氛亲密融洽,只有家人和挚友在场。

    We wanted it intimate . Just family and close friends .

  17. 她是我的挚友,我了解她的痛苦。

    She is my special friend and I know her sorrow .

  18. 她被违背她的意愿地许配给我的挚友。

    She was betrothed against her will to my dear friend .

  19. 怀念我的挚友陈箴

    Cherish the Memory of My Intimate Friend , Mr. Chen Zhen

  20. 我如此相信是因为我是你挚友。

    And I believe that because I 'm your best friend .

  21. 即使是因为她的丈夫,她也是我的挚友。

    Despite her husband , she is my dying friend .

  22. 谢谢你,我忠实的信友和挚友。

    Thank you for being a faithful correspondent and a good friend .

  23. 他发现在校园里很难结交挚友。

    He has found it difficult to make close friends on campus .

  24. 热爱书吧,书是你的挚友。

    Love books , for they are your best friends .

  25. 你认识莱希特雷弗是我的挚友

    You knew Lexi ? Trevor was my best friend .

  26. 尽管我脾气爆裂,你一直是我的挚友。

    You have always been a good friend , despite my temper .

  27. 所以我俩就变成了变成了挚友

    So we became quite ... You became real close .

  28. 时间是食物的挚友,时间也是食物的死敌。

    Time is a friend of food , and also its enemy .

  29. 他的挚友的死使他很伤心。

    The death of his devoted friend made him sad .

  30. 她是基布尔夫人的挚友之一。

    She was one of lady keeble 's greatest friends .
