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gǎn chù
  • thoughts and feelings;feeling;emotional stirrings
感触 [gǎn chù]
  • [thoughts and feelings;emotional stirrings] 跟外界事物接触而引起的思想感情

  • 他在这方面深有感触

感触[gǎn chù]
  1. 对中国建筑有什么感触?你的建议是什么?

    What are your thoughts and feelings upon Chinese Architecture and the environment ?

  2. 在农村基层支教这儿年我的感触最深,可以说农村学生最差劲的科目就是英语。

    In the rural grass-roots support education of my deepest thoughts and feelings , we can say that rural students the worst subject is English .

  3. 凭感触分辨软与硬。

    By feeling we tell what is hard from what is soft .

  4. 这种感触似乎是自然的。

    This feeling seems to be natural .

  5. 我对他的遭遇,不只是普普通通的同情,还有一种深切的同病相怜的感触。

    I felt more than ordinary human sympathy for him in his misfortune . I was deeply moved as a fellow sufferer .

  6. 上世纪90年代,研究人员将这种常见但并不愉快的感触命名为:时间饥荒。

    Researchers in the 1990s gave this familiar , if dreadful , feeling a name : time famine .

  7. 很多游客前来劳瑞尔山墓园,他们爱这里的一棵见证树,因为它曾经感触历史。

    Many tourists come to the Laurel Hill Cemetery , and they loved the tree because it was one of those that touched history ;

  8. 67岁的赵延平(音译)来自浙江省丽水市,他说,5月初他和妻子去延安枣园革命旧址参观时深有感触。

    Zhao Yanping , a 67-year-old from Lishui , Zhejiang province , said he had been inspired by a visit to the Zaoyuan Revolutionary Site in Yan'an with his wife in early May .

  9. 在NASA的周围闲逛,让我感触最深的就是船员们每天早晨的例行公事。

    Poking around the NASA site this morning , I found myself especially touched by the crews morning routine .

  10. 一些持有怀疑态度的人们感触很深,他们自己开始进行广告宣传,严厉批评CCS技术。

    Some sceptics feel so strongly they have started airing advertisements of their own to lambast CCS .

  11. 这也许就是许多人看了美国全国广播公司(NBC)的情景剧《办公室》(TheOffice)之后都深有感触的原因,这部剧的主题思想是:要是没有其他人,办公室会是个不错的工作场所。

    This may be why so many of us could relate to the NBC sitcom ' The Office , ' with its universal message : The office would be a fine place to work , if it weren 't for everyone else .

  12. 在社交媒体上,兄弟情当然是一个让人心生感触的故事。篮球运动员保罗•加索尔(PauGasol)和七项全能运动员杰茜卡•恩尼斯-希尔(JessicaEnnis-Hill)等人纷纷加入讨论:

    The brotherly affection , of course , was a feel-good story on social media , with fellow athletes like the basketball player Pau Gasol and the heptathlete Jessica Ennis-Hill weighing in :

  13. 他被一大堆新的感触控制住了。

    He was the prey of a throng of novel sensations .

  14. 你可以想象得到,我当时是怎样的感触,又采取了怎样的行动。

    You may imagine what I felt and how I acted .

  15. 我知道萨莉对这个问题深有感触。

    I know that Sally feels quite strongly about this issue .

  16. 我对这个国家的违法现象问题深有感触。

    I feel strongly about the illegitimacy problem in this country .

  17. 在月光中,我感触到你的心。

    In the moon mere light , I felt you heart .

  18. 我的脸一会儿变红了,我为本人的举动感触惭愧。

    My face turned red and I felt ashamed of myself .

  19. 我对这点的感触深刻得超乎你所知

    That is something I understand more than you could know .

  20. 比赛结束之后,参加比赛的人讲述了对自己失败的感触。

    The human s spoke about their loss after the show .

  21. 你在比赛中获得胜利,我为你感触高兴。

    I 'm glad of your success in the games .

  22. 我学会了两件让我深有感触的教益。

    And I learned two big lessons that have stuck with me .

  23. 让人从审美和心灵上都有所感触。

    From people on both the aesthetic and spiritual feelings .

  24. 那是一场令人深受感触的表演,该网球手是那样年轻。

    That was an impressive performance from such a Yung tennis player .

  25. 他们的工作精神使我感触颇深。

    What struck me was their spirit for the work .

  26. 位于巴西伊瓜苏瀑布之上的螺旋式观景台。(近距离感触震耳欲聋,帅呆了!)

    Spiral viewing platform located over Iguazu waterfall in Brazil .

  27. 当你杀了查斯克后你肯定有感触

    Well , you must have felt something when you killed Trask .

  28. 令我感触到贪念对灵魂的摧毁力

    it really hit me what greed can do to a soul .

  29. 终于,看完了《最后的朋友》,感触良多。

    My dear friends , you are my last friends !

  30. 那天她那番话让我感触颇深。

    Her words the other day , moved me deeply .