
ɡǎn rǎn lǜ
  • infection rate;rates of infection
  1. 结果戒毒者中1名男性检出HIV(0.32%),HCV、梅毒感染率分别52.56%和11.22%。

    All the data in the research were kept confidential . Results The HIV positive rate was 0.32 % ( 1 man ), while the HCV infection rate was 52.56 % , and syphilis 11.22 % .

  2. ELISA检测366例,E·h感染率为9·29%;

    The infection rate of E. histolytica was 9.29 % among 366 cases detected by ELISA .

  3. 男性的花粉热感染率比女性高。

    Hay fever affects males more than females .

  4. 就在此前一天,世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞警告称,全世界正接近迄今为止的“最高感染率”。

    The milestone comes the day after the head of the World Health Organization ( WHO ) warned the world was " approaching the highest rate of infection " so far .

  5. S型布鲁氏菌感染率高的地区,R型菌感染率也相应较高,并且农村人群的感染率高于牧区。

    And infection rates were higher in countryside than in pastoral area .

  6. 结果(1)各年龄段男性CT感染率无显著性差异;

    RESULTS ( 1 ) There is no remarkable difference of CT infection for male in various ages .

  7. 随着细胞学级别的增高HPV的感染率上升。

    With the increase in cytological level increased HPV infection .

  8. CAG的HP感染率为98%。

    The HP infective rate was 98 % .

  9. 提示南昌地区的HBsAg感染率较高。

    This report suggests that infection rate of HBsAg is higher in the area of Nanchang .

  10. 63例高危型HPV阳性,总感染率为61.76%。

    The overall positive rate of HR-HPV testing was 61.76 % ( 63 cases ) .

  11. 哮喘组发作期患者肺炎衣原体急性感染率(59.4%)显著高于呼吸道感染组(34.9%,P<0.05);

    The acute C. pneumoniae infection rate of symptomatic asthma patients ( 59.4 % ) was markedly higher than respiratory tract infection patients ( 34.9 % , P < 0.05 ) .

  12. Eg的感染率与职业无关,与口腔卫生有关。

    The infections rate of Entamoeba gingivalis has no relation to occupation , but to oral hygiene .

  13. 宫内感染率随孕晚期母血HBVdna含量增加呈增高趋势。

    The intrauterine infection rate seemed to increase , as the HBV DNA level in the peripheral blood increased during the last trimester of pregnancy .

  14. 结果产妇HCV感染率为274%(28/1023);

    Results The incidence of HCV infection was 2 74 % ( 28 / 1023 ) in pregnant women .

  15. 采取严格隔离透析、透析器复用等预防措施可降低HCV感染率。

    The application of strict isolating dialysis and dialyzer reuse and the other prevention measures can lower HCV seropositivity rate .

  16. 白带异常、宫颈糜烂等出现宫颈炎性表现的患者HPV感染率明显增高。

    Leucorrhea abnormal cervical erosion and cervicitis and so the performance was significantly higher in patients with HPV infection .

  17. 人群隐性感染率为5.36%。阳性鼠肺进行PCR分型,结果均为家鼠型(Ⅱ型)。

    The recessive infection rate of the crowd was 5.36 . The typing of positive lungs by PCR showed that belonged to rattus type ( type ⅱ) .

  18. 结论北京城区、郊区和山区老年人群中的Hp感染率存在着显著差异,但地理因素不是决定性因素。

    Conclusions There are significant regional differences in Hp infection rates among elderly people in Beijing . But the geographic factor is not decisive .

  19. 男生感染率(6.67%)高于女生(4.13%),差异有统计学意义(P0.05);

    The infection rate in male ( 6.67 % ) is higher than that in female ( 4.13 % ) . There was a significant difference .

  20. 十二指肠球部溃疡(DU)Hp感染率为90.76%,高于其他胃肠道疾病;

    Hp infection rate in patients with duodenal ulcer ( DU ) was 90.76 % , higher than that in other gastrointestinal diseases .

  21. Ⅱ组与Ⅰ组、Ⅲ组腹腔器官感染率、肠道细菌全身感染率,比较有统计学差异,(P0.05)。

    Comparing Group ⅱ and Group ⅰ, Group ⅲ, the rate of the abdominal organs infection , systemic bacterial infection , were significant differences ( P0.05 ) .

  22. 输血引起的受血者机体免疫力下降,在临床Meta分析中已肯定其可导致受血者肿瘤复发率与术后感染率增加。

    Clinical meta analyses approve of that transfusion induces recipients immunosuppression so that may increase incidence of bacterial infection tumor recurrence .

  23. 目的对丙肝病毒(HCV)的感染率,性别和年龄特征以及与乙肝重叠感染率进行统计分析。

    Objective To statistically analyze the features of sex , age and hepatitis B superinfection of OPD and IPD patients with hepatitis C infection .

  24. HCV、HBV和TP也有较高的感染率,应当加强这三种传染病的防治。

    HCV , HBV and TP also have a higher infection rate , so the prevention and cure of the three disease should be strengthen .

  25. 加强免疫的儿童抗HBs阳性率85.78%,HBV感染率0.73%;

    The positive rate of anti-HBs was 85.78 % and the HBV infection rate was 0.73 % in the boosted immunization group .

  26. A、B组创面感染率在深度和残余创面明显低于C组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);

    The infection ratio of burn wound in deep ⅱ° wound and residual burn wound of groups A and B is much lower than that of group C , showing statistically significant difference ( P < 0.05 );

  27. 不同牙周状态患者龈下标本中EB病毒感染率及其与牙周病变程度的关系

    Infection frequency of Epstein-Barr virus in subgingival samples from patients with different periodontal status and its correlation with severity of periodontal lesion

  28. 结果100例妇女宫颈分泌物样本中,宫颈炎组和正常对照组高危型HPV感染率分别为16.9%和4.3%。

    Results Among 100 cervical secreta specimens , the infectious ratio was 16.9 % in the cervicitis group and with 4.3 % in the controls .

  29. 其中慢性乙肝感染率为14.4%,急性乙肝感染率为3.2%,HBsAg携带者感染率为6.8%。

    The incidence was 14.4 % , 3.2 % and 6.8 % in children with chronic hepatitis B , acute hepatitis B and HBsAg carriers , respectively .

  30. 方法对ICU住院病人进行为期一年的前瞻性调查,计算各种感染率,评价各种危险因素。

    Methods Prospective investigations were conducted on all the patients in ICU during 2001 . All kinds of rates were calculated and various risk factors were evaluated .