- 名sensory cell;sense cell

Sensory cell is the main functional and structural part of the scolopidium and its ultrastructure has been described in other papers .
When their activity is high , they prevent sensory cells from instructing secretory cells to release vasopressin .
The mammalian organ of Corti is comprised of sensory ( inner hair cells and outer hair cells ) and supporting cells ( e.g. , Hensen , Deiter , Pillar cells ) .
Relationship between the development of sensitive epithelium on cochlea hair cell and hearing function in Melopsittacus undulatus
Unlike chickens , humans cannot replace sensory cells lost to aging , toxicity or loud noise .
Industrial noise induces special damage to the auditory organ , principally to the sensory cells-hair cells of the inner ear .
In many cases of non-congenital hearing loss , the cause is degeneration of specialized sensory cells in the inner ear , called hair cells .
The results demonstrated that there was no obvious effect of ofloxacin on sensory cells of inner car , but gentamicin had serious cochleotoxicity add vestibulotoxicity .
Conclusions It is suggested that EVS neurons take part in the course of habituation acquisition through reducing the signals from vestibular end organ cells to CNS .
Then , when clock cells are less active , sensory cells can easily instruct secretory cells to release vasopressin , ensuring that the body holds on to its water reserves .
When they did not activate the clock cells during the ' sleep ' part of their cycle , it was easier for the sensory cells to communicate with vasopressin-releasing cells .
The results showed that the organizational structure of taste buds of wild and cultivated fish were same , they were oval and constituted with taste cells , supporting cells and basal cells .
The protein encoded by the gene helps convert vitamin A into a form used by the retina 's light-sensing cells ( rods and cones ) to make rhodopsin , a pigment that absorbs light .
" The molecules we identified could be used as a molecular tool delivered directly into the ears of deaf people to induce regeneration of important sensory cells that would improve hearing ," she said .
Then , the rabbit sensory neuron proteins , a immunogen that stimulated antibody production , were immunized by with SD rats above mentioned .
In contrast , the percentage of GABA immunoreactive ganglion cells was about 7 % in control side .
Objective To observe the effects of exogenous NGF on apoptosis of neurons and electro physiology of nerve after mandibular branch injury .
It is already known that when pain-sensing neurons are stimulated , they release chemicals known as nucleotides , specifically adenosine triphosphate ( ATP ) .
Objective : To investigate the characteristics of cell proliferation in chick basilar papilla ( BP ) following severe acoustic trauma , and the orgin of precursor cell that can generate into new hair cell .
Whether the chick vestibular sensory epithelium is capable of regenerating hair cells following aminoglycoside ototoxicity was investigated . The chicks received daily intramuscular injection of 60 mg / kg gentamicin sulfate ( GM ) for 10 days .
Both the cell bodies and the proximal axon segments of pleural sensory neurons were surrounded by 5-HT-IR fibers with numerous 5-HT-IR varicosities .
Objective : To further investigate the mechanisms of hair cell generation or regeneration , the primary culture systems of cochlear sensory epithelial cell ( CSEC ) of rats were established .
Ongoing production of sensory epithelium cells in the avian inner ear
Effect of schwann cells on cultured sensory neurons damaged by acrylamide
Isolation of Pure Living Utricular Sensory Epithelial Cell by Use of Thermolysin
A Method of Acute Isolation of Mouse Olfactory Receptor Neurons
Isolation and Identification of Inner Ear Vestibular Hair Cells of Guinea Pig
I feel these cells are pluripotent like human embryonic stem cells .
Removal of Sensory Cell Body Enhances the Long-Term Facilitation at Isolated Synapses of Aplysia
Sensory hair cells with overlymg tectorial membrane could be identified in the basilar papilla .