
  1. 复方氨酚烷胺片(商品名感康)是一种新型的抗病毒感冒药。

    Compound amantadine tablets is a new drug for virus common cold .

  2. 目的优选复感康颗粒的最佳提取工艺。

    Objective To optimize the conditions of the extraction process for Fugankang granules .

  3. 利用药品快检车近红外系统快速鉴别感康的真伪

    Drugs Testing Vehicle 's Near-infrared System Quickly Identify the Authenticity of Gan Kang

  4. 方法:跟踪观察11例服克林霉素、3例服泰诺、4例服感康后的消化道症状、内镜下消化道粘膜的改变及病理改变。

    Methods : To observe the digestive symptoms and pathological changes of digestive tract mucosa of the patients after taking the drug Clindamycin in11 cases , Tylnend in3 and Gangkang in4 cases .