
  • 网络Fever
  1. 感冒发烧,没人理解。

    Cold fever , no one understood .

  2. 但威尔不幸感冒发烧,后来骑马回家又淋了雨。

    But Will caught a fever and then rode home through the cold spring rain .

  3. 第二天她感冒发烧。

    The next morning she came down with cold and fever .

  4. 为什么我总感冒发烧?

    Why do I always have a cold and a fever ?

  5. 改善小儿因感冒发烧引起的不适。

    Take away the young child weak cause by the cold & fever .

  6. 很多普通病诸如感冒发烧的药都不需大夫处方,随处可买。

    Many drugs for common ailments such as colds and fevers are available over the counter .

  7. 俺一次又一次告诉你,光着肩膀坐在夜风里要感冒发烧的。

    Ah done tole you an'tole you'bout gittin'fever frum settin'in de night air wid nuthin'on yo'shoulders .

  8. 包括例如感冒发烧在内的疾病往往能引起噩梦。

    Illnesses that include fever , such as the flu , can often trigger ni g ht m ar e.

  9. 我之前因为天气变化的缘故感冒发烧,现在好多了。

    Eric : I had a fever before coming because of changes in the weather . I 'm better now .

  10. 小到感冒发烧、拉肚子、大到癌症、艾滋病,无一不与神经和细胞有关。

    As small as fever , diarrhea , as large as cancer , AIDS , all with the nerves and cells .

  11. 如果你很容易就感冒发烧或感染风寒,可能是因为你的睡眠状况不够好。

    If you seem to catch every cold and flu that 's going around , your bedtime could be to blame .

  12. 结果57.7%的出生缺陷儿母亲孕期前3个月感冒发烧,使用抗感冒药及滥用抗生素有关;

    Results : Of57.7 % defectives are relative with fever of their mothers in the first three moths of gestation period and abusing antibiotics and cold pills ;

  13. 181例配对研究发现孕期感冒发烧,接触有害物质,丈夫吸烟及有家族史为生殖泌尿系统畸形的风险因素。

    Statistically , catching cold and fever , contacting with toxic substances , smoking during pregnancy and having family history were risk factors for the congenital malformations .

  14. 《印度时报》报道称,“几乎每家每户……有一些囚犯因感冒发烧病倒了,每个办公室都在为职员的缺席而哀叹。

    The Times of India reported that " Nearly every house ... has some of its inmates down with ( influenza ) fever and every office is bewailing the absence of clerks . "

  15. 若出现感冒,发烧等疑似症状,立即去医院就医并通知CDC安全组。

    Go to hospital immediately and inform CDC safety group , if any suspected symptom occurs .

  16. 他感冒兼有发烧。

    His cold is GetWord (" accompanied "); with fever .

  17. 留意感冒、发烧等小病。

    Watch out for colds or fevers .

  18. 近2周内有感冒、发烧等感染性疾病史者;

    Had the history of infective diseases such as cold and fever in the past 2 weeks ;

  19. 先以为是感冒,发烧不退,进而病情恶化。

    At first it was thought as a cold , which could not allay a fever , and got worse later .

  20. 现代药理研究表明,金莲花具有抗菌、抗病毒等活性,广泛用于治疗感冒、发烧、慢性扁桃体炎、急性鼓膜炎、尿路感染和其他炎症。

    Modern pharmacological studies suggest that it possesses antimicrobial and antiviral actions and has been used widely to treat cold , fever , chronic tonsillitis , acute tympanitis , urinary tract infection and other inflammations .

  21. 本研究采用访谈法,从下定义和情境图片认知两个方面来研究幼儿对有关疾病概念(健康、疾病、感冒、发烧、拉肚子、传染病、细菌、医院、药和打针)的认知。

    By way of the interview approach , this thesis studies children 's cognition of disease-related concepts , including the health , illness , rheum , fever , diarrhea , infection , bacterium , hospital , medicine and injection , in their defining ability and contextual pictures cognition .

  22. Lilliya比他们组织中的许多其他人更早经历了核裂变席卷过她的伤害,她变得非常酸涩,感冒并随后发烧了好几周的时间。

    Lilliya experienced the fission rolling over her earlier than many others in their organization ; and went very sour with a case of the flue and a cold to follow that lasted many weeks .

  23. 我感冒了并且发烧又想吐。

    I have caught a cold , and have a fever and nausea .

  24. 而关于“感冒多食发烧少食”的建议。

    And what about the advice to feed a cold and starve a fever ?

  25. 感冒并伴随发烧并不常见。

    Fever is rare with a cold .

  26. 该产品改变了一般中成药解热慢的缺点,对感冒初期的发烧、咳嗽、头痛的疗效确切,能迅速解除人体的发烧症状。

    More efficient in defervescing than many other preparations , effective in curing fever , cough and headache at the beginning of symptoms , and getting rid of the symptoms of fever rapidly .

  27. 感冒多吃、发烧少吃这种说法对吗?

    Is it true that you should feed a cold and starve a fever ?

  28. 我那个时候也是感冒了,还发烧,我先吃了普热西痛没管用,又吃了白加黑还是不退最后老公又给我买的美林,才好。

    I also caught a cold at that time also a fever , I eat a hot West Cape pain not effective , but also eat or not to reclaim Barker and her husband gave the last I bought Merrill Lynch , to do .

  29. 我很少感冒,尽管上周我患了重感冒有点发烧,但这对我来说很少见。

    I very rarely get colds , although , usually for me , I had a bad cold and a bit of a fever last week .