
  1. 不,我记得几年前,我们住在一间三居室的房子里,天亮前起床,工作到天黑才能维持生计。我很少有超过四个小时的睡眠。

    No. I go back years ago , when we lived in a three-room house , when we got up before daylight and worked till after dark to make ends meet . I rarely had more than four hours of sleep .

  2. Sarah和Ashley每晚两人都需要八个小时的睡眠。

    Sarah and Ashley both need eight hours of sleep per night .

  3. 在2007年一份基于年度“美国人时间使用调查”(AmericanTimeUseSurvey)的论文中,丁格斯博士指出,有32.6%的美国人自称他们上床睡觉时间晚,每天只有不到7.5个小时的睡眠,然后得靠闹钟把他们叫醒。

    In a 2007 paper based on the annual American Time Use Survey , Dr. Dinges found 32.6 % of Americans self-reported that they got less than 7.5 hours by going to bed late , then relied on alarm clocks to wake up .

  4. EosSleep(前身即ManhattanSnoringandSleepCenter)的创始人、睡眠专家戴维•沃尔皮称,成人通常每晚需要6-8小时的睡眠时间。

    According to David Volpi , a sleep specialist and founder of EOS sleep ( formerly the Manhattan snoring and sleep center ) , adults generally need six to eight hours a night .

  5. Carter博士还说:“要想保持身体内部的生物钟,我们需要保证有8个小时的睡眠。我们大部分人都会选择周五或周六晚上熬夜,然后周六周日猛睡。”

    Dr Carter said : " To maintain our internal clock , we need to go to bed eight hours before our usual time for getting out of bed in the morning.Too many of us , however , stay up later on Friday and Saturday nights and choose to sleep in on Saturday and Sunday mornings .

  6. 他认为他每晚只需要六小时的睡眠。

    He reckons he only needs six hours sleep a night .

  7. 每个人一个晚上需要至少八个小时的睡眠。

    Everyone needs to have at least eight hours'sleep a night .

  8. 平均而言,人们每晚需要8小时的睡眠。

    On average , people need 8 hours sleep a night .

  9. 大多数运动员每天需要7到10个小时的睡眠时间。

    Most athletes need seven to ten hours of sleep daily .

  10. 我们每天晚上需要至少八个小时的睡眠。

    We need to have at least eight hours sleep a night .

  11. 多数人每天需要六至八小时的睡眠。

    Most people need six to eight hours of sleep every day .

  12. 每晚保证至少八小时的睡眠时间。

    Get at least eight hours of sleep every night .

  13. 学龄儿童建议最好需要9至11个小时的睡眠时长。

    School children are recommended to have between nine and 11 hours .

  14. 两组人都被剥夺了整整22小时的睡眠时间。

    Then both groups were subjected to 22 straight hours of sleep deprivation .

  15. 午夜前一小时的睡眠等于午夜后睡三小时。&赫伯特

    One hour 's sleep before midnight is worth three after . & Herbert

  16. 年轻和中年人需要大概8个小时的睡眠。

    Younger and middle-aged adults need about eight hours of sleep a night .

  17. 而且充电8分钟就够8小时的睡眠跟踪。

    And 8 minutes of charging is enough for 8 hours of Sleep Tracking .

  18. 克林顿自称每天晚上只有5小时的睡眠,

    Clinton long claimed to get by on five hours of sleep a night ,

  19. 成年人平均每天需要八小时的睡眠时间,但是个体之间有所不同。

    Adults require about 8 hours of sleep , but the amount varies among individuals .

  20. 每晚至少7小时的睡眠时间,如果有条件的话,可以多睡一会儿。

    Get at least seven hours of sleep every night , more if you can .

  21. 成年人每晚需要7至8小时的睡眠,青少年则需要10小时。

    Adults need 7 to 8 hours sleep at night , and adolescents need about 10 .

  22. 记住每一个小时的睡眠都是积极的投资,而不是一种支出。

    Keep in mind that every hour of sleep is a positive investment not an expense .

  23. 我最近真的很忙,甚至一天都很难保证有16小时的睡眠!

    Recently I 'm so busy that I can 't even guarantee a16-hour sleep one day .

  24. 睡眠研究人员的研究成果表明,大多数人每天需要7到9个小时的睡眠时间。

    According to the sleep researchers , most people need between seven and nine hours every day .

  25. 青少年每天需要至少7小时的睡眠时间,但睡11个小时也可以很开心。

    Teenager meanwhile need at least seven hours in bed , but can happily sleep for 11 .

  26. 青少年不需要睡那么长的时间,但每天八小时的睡眠是很重要的。

    Teenagers don 't need as much sleep but it 's important to get about eight hours'sleep .

  27. 我们长大后所需的睡眠时间变少了。婴儿需要16到20个小时的睡眠。

    We need less sleep as we get older . Babies need between 16 and 20 hours .

  28. 每晚保证至少8小时的睡眠,让皮肤每晚自然更新。

    Get at least 8 hours of sleep every night to let your skin renew itself each night .

  29. 研究小组参考123名健康成人自己记录的至少6.5小时的睡眠时间。

    The study group comprised 123 healthy adults with a self-reported sleep duration of at least 6.5 hours .

  30. 美国国家睡眠基金会建议成年人每晚应有7到9小时的睡眠时间。

    The National Sleep Foundation recommends that adults get about seven to nine hours of sleep each night .