
  1. 埃拉在健身房锻炼以增强食欲。

    Ella had worked up an appetite in the gym .

  2. 奶茶有解除疲劳,促人兴奋,增强食欲,帮助消化等作用。

    Tea with milk can alleviate fatigue , stimulate appetite and help assimilation .

  3. 是的,它的香味使我增强食欲。

    Quite true , it made me more hungry .

  4. 压力常常会导致人们暴饮暴食,因为人体内的皮质醇(压力荷尔蒙)能增强食欲。

    Stress often causes people to overeat , as cortisol , the stress hormone , can trigger an increase in appetite .

  5. 汤可以佐膳,增强食欲,还能补充我们身体所需的水分,调理肠胃,滋补强身。

    Soup can be consumed together with rice . Also it can increase our appetite , supplement our body with water , regulate our digestive system and strengthen our health .

  6. 体育锻炼可以增强人们的食欲,促进消化。

    Physical exercise increases the appetite and favors digestion .

  7. 睡眠不足会增加你的饥饿感,增强你的食欲,甚至还会导致肥胖。

    Lack of sleep can increase hunger , increase your appetite and even be linked to obesity .

  8. 那样走走真的增强了我的食欲。

    That walk has really given me an appetite .

  9. 根据情况,经治疗救护组讨论,已制定了增强体质、提高机体免疫力、防止继发感染、增强食欲、补充营养等救治原则。

    The expertise team has made treatment plans for the tigers to improve their physique , immunity , appetite and nutritional intake , and to avert continuous infection .