
zēng qiáng
  • enhance;strengthen;boost;growth;grow;expand;rise;amplify;heighten;fortify;swell;magnify
增强 [zēng qiáng]
  • [strengthen; enhance] 增加效能、强度

  • 增强抵抗力

增强[zēng qiáng]
  1. 这些活动目的在于增强你的腹部肌肉。

    The exercises are designed to strengthen your stomach muscles .

  2. 他有一个增强背部力量的新健身计划。

    He has a new fitness regime to strengthen his back .

  3. 最近几个星期以来,她在党内的地位有所增强。

    Her position in the party has strengthened in recent weeks .

  4. 减税将增强消费者在经济衰退后的信心。

    Tax cuts will boost consumer confidence after the recession .

  5. 这些活动目的在于伸展和增强你的腿部肌肉。

    The exercises are designed to stretch and tone your leg muscles .

  6. 谈判成功将会增强他作为国际政治家的声望。

    Success in the talks will reinforce his reputation as an international statesman .

  7. 20世纪80年代绿色运动的势头开始增强。

    During the 1980s the green movement gathered momentum .

  8. 随着年龄的增长她的信心增强了。

    As she grew older she gained in confidence .

  9. 获得这个奖项大大增强了她的自信心。

    Winning the prize really boosted her ego .

  10. 经常锻炼可以增强心脏机能,从而减少心脏病发作的危险。

    Regular exercise strengthens the heart , thereby reducing the risk of heart attack .

  11. 这消息只是增强了他们的决心。

    The news merely fortified their determination .

  12. 商业信心有增强趋势。

    Business confidence is on the up .

  13. 利率有望早日下调,从而增强了人们的信心。

    Hopes of an early cut in interest rates bolstered confidence .

  14. 贸易最能增强国家间的友谊。

    Nothing cements a friendship between countries so much as trade .

  15. 在大西洋东部,一场热带风暴的风力正逐渐增强。

    A tropical storm is gaining strength in the eastern Atlantic .

  16. 音乐只是增强了她话语的力度。

    Music is merely an enhancement to the power of her words

  17. 选择防晒护唇膏来增强保护。

    For added protection choose a lipstick with a sun screen .

  18. 风力仍在增强,接近9级大风。

    The wind was still rising , approach-ing a force nine gale .

  19. 小男孩受到的鼓励会增强他们的自信心。

    The encouragement that young boys receive builds a greater self-confidence

  20. 他对教会中日益增强的自由主义倾向心存忧虑。

    He was concerned over growing liberalism in the Church .

  21. 瑜伽能增强人体免疫系统。

    Yoga can be used to strengthen the immune system .

  22. 双方仍在增强各自的军事力量。

    Both sides are still beefing up their military strength .

  23. 我们需要大胜一场来增强信心。

    We need a big win to boost our confidence

  24. 约翰逊医生和我一直试图增强他的体质。

    Dr. Johnson and I have been trying to build him up physically .

  25. 我年纪大些之后,信心才开始增强。

    My confidence began to burgeon later in life .

  26. 我们试图通过吃东西来增强体力。

    We try to boost our energy by eating .

  27. 现在采取措施增强体质会使你日后受益。

    Steps taken now to maximise your health will pay dividends later on .

  28. 我想参加有氧运动训练班来增强体质。

    I 'd like to join an aerobics class to improve my fitness .

  29. 刺激身体以增强抵抗力。

    The body is stimulated to build up resistance .

  30. 工党的信心日益增强。

    The Labour Party was growing increasingly sure-footed .